
By: Jiana Rush

“What are you most passionate about?” is the most common, open-ended, and intimate question I think I have ever been asked. I could tell you that I am passionate about movies, how they are filmed, and all of the small things that go into creating cinematic masterpieces that can evoke emotions unheard of. I could talk your ear off about how much I love 70’s music (Karen Carpenter is my constant source of inspiration) and the authenticity laced in every song from that era.

I have discovered what I am most passionate about is truth and the pursuit of it. I have also found that when you are passionate about something it becomes a constant in your life; it becomes the one thing you take solace in. For myself, truth is my haven. In this life, especially today, we do not have much to stand on that is solid. Because we are not promised anything in this life, it is important to have something real to hold onto. Otherwise, what is it all for? Truth is the basis of everything and without it, we inevitably fail.

There is much I am passionate about and whether it is movies or music it all ties back to some modicum of truth. This is why I am in continual pursuit of truth and knowledge alike. Sometimes it is easier to step away from the truth because it hurts or does not align with the ways of the masses. I now believe that no matter how much it may hurt, I would rather know the truth and stand firm in it than not know and stumble because of it.