Written by Rachael Willis
Listen to your target language often.
You can easily incorporate language-learning into your everyday life by listening to your target language. For example, you can listen to music, podcasts, videos, TV shows, and movies in your target language. I like to keep a notebook handy so that I can jot down any unfamiliar words that I hear. This can help you learn some more casual vocabulary, and it can also help you learn the proper pronunciation of different words.
Write a journal in your target language.
Writing is another essential facet of language-learning. It is important to practice different grammatical concepts through writing. However, instead of just answering questions in a workbook or textbook, you can go one step further and write a journal in your target language. This technique requires a good understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary, but once you get the hang of it, it is a great way to practice writing. Also, by writing a journal in your target language, you also engage with vocabulary that is pertinent to your everyday life. This helps you pick up vocabulary that you would find more useful in day-to-day conversations.