The Carbon Footprint of ASU Prep Digital and Other All-Digital Schools

Written By Gideon Batai

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit America in 2020, most school districts transitioned to remote learning. Many employees also started working remotely. This change had several unexpected silver linings. For example, in March and April, carbon emissions dipped down to unprecedented levels. Carbon emissions picked up again after April, but 2020 was a record-low year for carbon emissions. As an all-digital K-12 charter school, ASU Prep Digital plays a prominent role in this change.

School and Carbon Emissions

Every day in the morning and afternoon, countless cars swarm intersections and freeways, getting to or from work and school. Carbon emissions swirl around the air as parents and kids make the morning drive in their gas-consuming vehicles. Yet, many of those kids are unhappy. Especially for students who experience anxiety or bullying, in-person school is a source of dread. Those students may enjoy attending an all-digital school like ASU Prep Digital. They don’t have distractions, like anxiety, bullying, or other students, allowing them to concentrate on their studies.

Education Alternative

Fewer cars mean fewer carbon emissions. So for every student that switches to all-digital learning, there’s one less car emitting fumes in the school drop-off lane. As more students choose to go all-online, streets will become noticeably less congested. It also makes the morning drives quicker for those who do need to go to in-person school or work.

America is embarking on an age of digital work and school, which is a positive change for carbon emissions. ASU Prep Digital is at the forefront of this education transformation. To enroll your student in ASU Prep Digital (and perhaps lower your carbon emissions), contact an ASU Prep Digital admissions advisor at or visit our website, And for any other questions, you may have, click to to get in touch.