Student Success Story

By Taegan Hardy

When I first read this prompt I couldn’t find anything I’d really accomplished—at least nothing recently. These past few years have been particularly rough when it came to my mental health. When I think about my so-called accomplishments I find myself falling into a rabbit hole filled with existentialistic dread.
I was a prodigy—-supposedly. I never had to study to get good grades and I was always the best in my dance classes. I was trained with the intention of becoming a professional. Educated with the intention of doing something great. Where did it all go? “Celebrate the little things”, may sound redundant, but it is truthfully one of the greatest pieces of advice. There was nothing I’d done over the past year that I thought was worthy enough to write this piece about, but I realized I’ve made so much growth. The small things in your life deserve to be celebrated just as much as the big things.

So congratulations if you’ve brushed your teeth today, done some homework, or even just got out of bed. Whether or not you think your accomplishments are “big”, we’re all making progress in our lives. So no, I’m not winning any writing competitions but I am sharing my writing with more people than I ever imagined. And no, I’m not dancing professionally yet but I do have auditions for a ballet school soon and I will be making dance team debut in the Disneyland Parade in a few months. This past year I’ve grown as a dancer, student, writer, and most importantly I’vegrown as a person.