The Happiness Born from Despair

By: Faith Jang In stories, emotions are the most important part of the tales. It is what gets the readers to relateto the characters, and it is what makes us laugh or cry when we know things are just pieces offantasy. That is why I adore such things. The love between two different people that ends in ahappily ever after or tragedy. We watch things for entertainment when some of these thingsmake us cry or angry or even scared, but why do we do it? I may not know the...
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By: Jiana Rush "What are you most passionate about?” is the most common, open-ended, and intimate question I think I have ever been asked. I could tell you that I am passionate about movies, how they are filmed, and all of the small things that go into creating cinematic masterpieces...
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The World of RPG Gaming

By: Kierra Hamby RPG Gaming, otherwise known as Roleplay Gaming, is a video game genre that has grown immensely popular in recent years. There are many well-known games that fit into this category including Skyrim, Stardew Valley, and many of the mainline Pokemon games. If you have joined the gaming...
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“Punk Rock Feminism Rules Okay”

By: Max Kendall The title is a quote from the greatest punk rock genre RIOT GRRRL. It can be described as punk rock feminism for those who care so much that they scream too loud and hate the patriarchy so much that they don’t just break it, they smash it...
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Socially Anxious Moth’s Flame

By: Sarah Green I never considered myself a good singer. Yet, here I was, seven years old and standing in frontof the entire congregation of my church. Granted, about thirty or forty other kids were on thestage with me; as one of the tiniest children there, however, I was shoved...
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The Power of Giving Back: Why Volunteering Matters

By: Celia Moller Volunteering is a passion that I have devoted countless hours to and something that is closeto my heart. There are several reasons why I choose to volunteer. To begin with, the act ofgiving back to my community feels incredibly rewarding and never fails to remind me of...
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Boygenius: The Supergroup of the Century

By: Shannon Mo Kindred spirits turned bandmates, Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus are boygenius, and they are the moment. Each successful solo artists, the three met up for a co-headlining tour in 2018, releasing a critically acclaimed self-titled EP. The name, boygenius, is an ironic commentary on the inflated...
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