Noah Kahan: My Favorite Artist

By: Taegan Hardy 

Noah Kahan is arguably my favorite musical artist of all time. I started listening to him a littleover a year ago and ever since I’ve been obsessed with his music. He makes incrediblytouching songs that can relate to so many people, one being me.
Noah Kahan is an alternative/indie folk musical artist who debuted his first slew of singles in2017. He’s made three albums, two EPs, and had features with artists like Post Malone, LizzyMcalpine, mxmtoon, Hozier, and plenty more. A large theme in Noah’s music is mental healthand loss. As someone who can relate deeply to a lot of his words, his artistry is truly a gift. Inthis article I want to talk about a few songs that mean a lot to me.
Orange Juice is my favorite song of all time, so in obvious fashion it is one of my favorite trackson the Stick Season album. The song tells a story of two people (friends or partners) who werein a car crash. From my understanding, one person wasn’t injured physically, but had emotionalpain instead. They move away, find their faith, and work to become sober. The perspective ofthe song is from the other person who stayed in town and is reminiscing. It is an absolutelydevastating song that definitely left me in tears. I really appreciate his ability to tell such anincredible story through music.

A few of my other favorites are Come Over, Paul Revere, You’re Gonna Go Far, Troubled Mind,Part of Me, and False Confidence. All of them will get stuck in your head and they each havevery emotional messagings.

The last thing I’d like to mention is that a lot of his discography is inter-connected as well. I
believe Noah confirmed that She Calls Me Back comes after Dial Drunk in the story. I also thinkOrange Juice, You’re Gonna Go Far, and potentially All My Love could exist in that universe. Ireally love when artists are able to build a world and tell a story in their album.Noah Kahan has a very unique sound. His lyrics express complex emotions I can relate to andhis music has had a long lasting impact on me. I would definitely recommend everyone to take alisten.