Making Friends: Some advice. 

By Ysrael Hernandez

Have you ever been in class and noticed it seems like everyone knows everyone but you? Have you ever been the new kid before? If you have, you might know how hard it is to spark a conversation. This has been my first year at ASU Prep Digital and it felt like everyone either went to ASU prep digital for middle school. I was really hard for me to try and make friends the first few months, in fact it’s still hard for me. Joining clubs, trying to see what other people like, and other stuff like that are only the stepping stones for making friends. Because, what is the thing stopping you from socializing? For me, it was the people were going to judge me for what I like.  I talked with my older sister, who is the social butterfly of my family, and she gave me some advice. She said that if you just go up to someone and talk to them, the worst thing that is going to happen is that they walk away. I agree with her because one, she is my sister, and two, she’s right. I was worried about writing in class or in my club because I always thought someone was going to say some mean comment or they were going to make fun of me. But, like people have said before, high school isn’t a movie and there aren’t a group of mean kids.  These last few weeks since I talked with my sister have been easier for me. I’ve been able to start a few conversations, I’ve been able to share a few more things I’ve done, and my worst fear never came true. In fact, some of the people I talked to thought what I’ve done was pretty cool. The point is, you shouldn’t let your worries stop you from making friends. It might seem hard, or scary, but in the end, all you need to do is say “Hi.”