Just Do! The Dangers of Overthinking

By Binyamin “Ben” Behar

Hey you! Yes, you! You’re an ASU Prep student, right? Of course, you are you’re reading this blog! And there are a ton of assignments to get done in the semester no matter the class English, chemistry, or ASL, all have work to get done and submitted. There are the instructions and learning but there’s one roadblock that can stop even the more astute student from getting it done, the dangerous villain, of overthinking. Picture this you have an assignment for reading that’s due the coming week. You look at it, diligently going through every rule, every rubric, every line. Type up let’s say seventy-three percent of the assignment, and then this little goblin voice in the back of your head says “But did you really follow the rubric” You jolt up deleting what you had and re-reading the rules. Questioning if it was what the teacher wanted for the assignment. This cycle could continue for quite a while procrastinating the submission. If this has happened to you, congrats you’ve been a victim of overthinking which can cause a spiral of stress. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary overthinking can be described as the following “: to think too much about (something) : to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful.” Overthinking is very much an extreme of a positive student trait which is following the instructions. For the best grade that is a necessity but second guessing on the way there is an issue. But dear reader if this affliction affects you, and you happen to read this article you might ask how do I stop this? What are the tips? There isn’t exactly a full numerical list but there is a few bullet points that could really help.

  • Relating back to the title of this article, just do it.

The easiest way to get over that voice is to put that doubt aside and work through it.

  • Contact a teacher

If you’re struggling with it, or have questions, or just confused, contact the teacher of the class and ask them about it. It’ll be better to know ahead of time than when it’s “done” and submitted.

I’ve struggled with it in the past and it has taken a toll on my school work causing constant procrastination. But just getting it done and submitting it is very liberating. It’s a great feeling. As a take away if you ever hear that goblin voice ignore it and move on. But don’t forget to check your work!