How to Overcome the Hardships of Becoming an Adult as a High Schooler

Written by Malia Savelio

Being a high school means only focusing on school. Though, around Junior and Senior year you have to, how do people put it, “Get your grill on.” This happens so that you can make sure you get into the college of your dreams without having to have a huge college loan to pay off for the rest of your life. Well, one of the best ways to meet that goal, is to take concurrent courses in high school. They will be a lot cheaper than in actual college. Though, when you think about it, wouldn’t it be more stressful to take concurrent courses in high school than in college? No. If the same class is taken in college rather than high school, then you will have the added stress of greater costs and you will have to handle multiple college classes at the same time. Some key steps to handling the hardships of concurrent course are:

1. Creating a schedule!!!

When creating a schedule, you are combining the different classes you take, both high school and college. After that, you writing each assignment out at a certain time of the day. Estimate the amount of time you will be taking on that assignment, then put that assignment in your schedule for the day. Continue doing the same thing for multiple tasks with some breaks. Finally, make sure the task in completed.

2. Don’t procrastinate!!!

After finishing the schedule for the week to come, prepare for the first day with rest and organization. On your first day, complete all the assignments that are within that day in the timeframe that you gave yourself. If you need more time,  continue on that assignment. If you finish in a shorter amount of time than you gave yourself, you can work ahead. If you work longer on one assignment and then shorter on another, then use the extra time  for the longer assignment.

But in the end, the main concept of these steps is to breathe.

3. Breathe

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”


During the whole week of working, you will have opportunities that you can use to further your future. But you can’t commit to those tasks until you know your assignments are done first. I personally can’t go a week without freaking out about having some assignments still left over. That stops me from pursuing other tasks that could be an add-on benefit to finishing class in the right time span that day. When taking the time to focus and work, you will be creating an unknown amount of beneficial opportunities for yourself.

So take a couple minutes to decide your week’s schedule. Make sure that those tasks are completed as formatted in your schedule. If you continually improve your work schedule and learn how to work efficiently, then your future will be based on the opportunities you take and will create a more desired future for yourself.