How To Finish The School Year Strong

By: Elona Scheeres

Ah spring. The time of the year when it feels like every piece of the Earth is comingalive. When people and critters begin to scurry to tidy up, and the time of seasonalallergies when it feels like everyone has a runny nose and is sneezy. However, it’s alsoa busy time for students! Whether you are a senior awaiting college admission results, ajunior taking the SAT or ACT, or a sophomore or freshman just trying to finish upclasses, the last semester of any year can be packed full of stress. Luckily I have a fewtips to help you avoid any of that spring semester stress and to stride into summerconfident for the next semester.
1. Get any overdue work done first!I know at ASU Prep Digital and Khan World there are very few hard deadlines to meetso it’s easy for work to pile up, but don’t let it! If you are greeted with piles of overdueassignments every time you open Canvas, then get those done first! Spend an hour ortwo each day just working on overdue assignments and you will finish the semesterstrong (rather than rush everything the last week of school).
2. Start studying for finals now!I know there are several weeks left in the semester, but take it from me, you do not wantto be studying for finals the last week of school. Something could always come up, soyou want to be prepared. The same goes for final projects. Start by reviewing yournotes and making sure you understand the material well. If you start preparing early,you will be ahead of the game.
3. Start preparing for summer!Even though it’s only April, get your summer plans ready now! Many camp andinternship applications close in March and April so you want to ensure all yourapplications are in. If you don’t know what to do this summer, start researching! Thereare camps, volunteer opportunities, internships, and pre college programs for almostevery interest. Here is a useful list of the major pre college opportunities in every USstate.

4. Keep up healthy habits!Even with all the stress of finishing the school year strong, don’t start lacking in otherdepartments! Keep a good sleep schedule (or fix your current one), exercise regularly,and take time for your mental health. These habits are important to maintain no matterthe workload.

Even if it feels overwhelming you are doing great! Remember to love yourself and keep
going. Let’s finish the school year strong!