An Evil Witch

By: Faith Jang 

Once upon a time, there was a quaint village in a beautiful place. The people there werelovely and looked extremely kind. All of them knew each other quite well, except one, the witch.Oh, the beast had mysterious powers and lived in solitude, defying the ways of the world andapplying its own cruel logic. It was defiance against the divine, certainly blasphemy! Yet, thetownspeople did nothing against the being, for it had yet to commit any sin. That was until onefrigid winter evening, and the witch was seen poisoning an innocent teenage boy. The childgrew sicker and sicker as days passed, and the witch was found guilty for its actions.“Did you hear what that monster did to that poor child?” a woman asked, though it wasmore rhetorical than anything else.
“Indeed, how could such a being exist in the world?!” one person replied.The words continued because how dare such a beast harm an innocent soul! How darethat creature do anything under the watchful gaze of the divine?! “Of course, the witch was evil.It brought the plague to the town!” another screamed.“The monster has brought poison to the people!”
No matter how they felt about the witch, the judge insisted that they gave it a trial by thebooks. Yet, the monstrosity arrogantly refused to admit to the crime. Does the witch see man tobe nothing more than its toy to mess with? How could there be anything more evil within anyplain of existence? What did they expect anyway? A witch was a witch, and whoever followedthe evil in the world shall bring nothing but misfortune.

In the end, the beast was found guilty of its crimes and was to be purified in a way to begthe divine to forgive it. As the animal was dragged down the halls towards the townspeople,their eyes all turned to it. Tears rolled down its face, for its anger must be so prevalent that the

beats had been caught. The monster was tied to a stake in front of all that the best had harmed
and so many more. Yet, it would be purified by the divine’s justice and will be shown mercythanks to the townspeople’s efforts to save its soul. When the witch opened its mouth, thepeople expected curses but instead heard something unexpected.
“Watcher up high, over the land and sea.Please, one shall make a request, a plea.Do not condemn these people to wrath,In thou mercy, I request they bath.I beg their souls not ablaze as oneself,With instead, y-our knowledge, true wealth.”All those words were spoken tearfully to the sky. To that, she was no more, her bodyconsumed by flames. The plagues didn’t immediately end, but knowledge was blessed upon thepeople. In the end, the townspeople found a solution to their plight, and these answers came inthe form of medicine.