6 Tips For Finishing This Semester Strong

By Emily O’Reilly
     Before we know it, finals will be approaching super soon and you may have a heavy workload of assignments. It is important to start practicing healthy habits in order to be in a good mindset. School can easily become overwhelming but it is critical that you stay strong throughout the entire semester. Every student should try various methods and tricks if they find one isn’t working for them. Everyone learns differently so something that may work for your peers may not work for you and vice versa. When you find something that works for you, do your best to stick with it! Best of luck for the rest of the semester!     ● Get a Planner: A planner will allow you to track when you worked throughout the day, the assignments you completed, and the important tasks for the day. You are also able to write down the important events that will happen each month on the calendar.      ● Try the Pomodoro Technique: This method will allow you to have a time for focusing along with a break time. Spending 25-30 minutes focused on an assignment and taking a 5-10 minute break can help you complete more assignments per day. You can also tweak this method to make it work specifically for you.      ● Make a List of Your Non-Completed Assignments: You can easily create a spreadsheet that has every assignment so you will be able to check off an assignment once it is completed. You will also be able to see how many assignments you need to complete by a certain time.     ● Make Time for Leisure Activities: Although it is important to spend 6 or more hours, it is also equally crucial that you spend some of the day doing something that you enjoy. Whether it is
watching a movie, playing a sport, or reading a book, it is necessary to do this in order to help your mental health. Ask For Help From Others: This may be scary but asking your teachers or professors if you take concurrent courses for help can be essential. It can guide you into getting a better understanding and grade but it also can help you to create a better relationship with your teachers. Whether you don’t understand the entire assignment or if you need clarification, reaching out is a tool that you should use. Create Target Goals: Setting goals can easily motivate you to complete your assignments. These goals can be daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the type of goal. When you set your goals, you will be able to remember to get it done while working your way up to it.