ASU Prep Digital offers the online K–12 courses listed below.
- Our full-time middle school students take four core courses plus one elective each semester. Please check with your Learning Success Coach to see which high school electives you may be eligible for.
- Our full-time high school students take six courses each semester.
- Part-time students may enroll in a single course.
- Please contact us about which courses are available for school licensing.
Students will begin to develop writing and reading skills through phonemic awareness, phonics, and decoding. Students will learn how to identify story elements through the use of literary and informational texts.
Students will build on and add to their previously learned foundational skills. They will develop a fuller range of phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and fluency skills. Students will think critically about literary and informational texts and begin to practice writing to communicate their thoughts. Genres of writing will include narrative, informational, and persuasive writing.
Students will increase the complexity of foundational phonics, high-frequency words, and sentence creation. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are intertwined so that students learn them organically and with purpose. Students will read a variety of texts, excerpts, articles, and leveled readers across genres. Through reading and writing, students will explore character analysis, story structure, biographies, and interpretation of informational texts.
Students will apply critical thinking skills in their reading and learn the skills to become independent readers and writers. Students will read multiple genres of both literary and informational texts and use these texts as models for their own writing.
Students will continue to develop their reading and writing skills with a growing focus on expository and opinion writing. Students will increase their autonomy as readers and support claims through the use of textual evidence.
Students will read both fiction and nonfiction texts and will work to write opinion pieces with strong evidential support. Students will work to examine multiple types of texts and writing to support claims with textual evidence.
This course provides a strong foundation in grammar and the writing process. It emphasizes simple but useful composition and language mechanics strategies with multiple opportunities for modeling practical, real-world writing situations that will enable students to improve their written communication skills quickly. Through a variety of grade-appropriate reading selections, students develop a clear understanding of key literary genres and their distinguishing characteristics.
English 7 Integrates the study of writing and literature through the examination of a variety of genres. Students identify the elements of composition in the reading selections to understand their function and effect on the reader. Practice is provided in narrative and expository writing. Topics include comparison and contrast, persuasion, and cause and effect essays, as well as descriptive and figurative language. Lessons are supplemented with vocabulary development, grammar, and syntax exercises, along with an introduction to verbal phrases and research tools.
English 8 extends the skills developed in English 7 through detailed study of parts of sentences and paragraphs to understand their importance to good writing. Students also acquire study skills such as time management and improved test-taking strategies. Other topics include punctuation, word choice, syntax, varying of sentence structure, subordination and coordination, detail and elaboration, effective use of reference materials, and proofreading.
Honors course available
English 9 is a course that uses texts of high complexity to provide an integrated language arts study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in order to ready students for college and career. Students must think critically while actively reading for explicit and implicit meaning as they examine both literary and informational texts.
Students will write for a variety of purposes including developing and supporting argumentative claims, creating informative and expository responses, and crafting narratives that develop real or imagined events. The course places an emphasis on identifying and using textual evidence to support critical analysis whether it be for a written or spoken response. Finally, students will acquire effective listening, viewing, and speaking skills and be able to transfer those specific skills into a collaborative setting.
Honors course available
This course centers around reading, writing, and critical thinking. Incorporating universal themes found in plays, novels, and poetry, it uses these three skills to challenge you to not just examine texts for what is being expressed— it pushes you to analyze why and how language is used to affect an audience. The course also offers you an opportunity to explore more creative expressions of your acquired knowledge with unique and innovative projects. Finally, it encourages you to claim ownership of your learning, blending independent studies with your guided online experience, echoing a more “real world” reflection of personal accountability and responsibility.
Honors course available
English 11 has two main objectives. The first is to help build cultural capital, while you take a historical survey through the American literature timeline. You will then trace a path from the icons of the Colonial era, through the tumultuous 1800s, and stop at today’s Post Modern landscape. The second objective is to help build global citizenship, which will ask you to research, critically think, and write about the issues that are most crucial, most vital, and most affecting life around the world. Together, these objectives work to build upon the skills of the past while exploring the potential for a brighter future.
Honors course available
English 12 provides learners opportunities to make critical and informed responses to texts which are wide-ranging in their form, style and context. Experience British literature that introduces you to the cultural and societal contexts of the literary pieces you read. Advanced writing assignments are required, including a research paper based on your interests. English 12 provides learners opportunities to make critical and informed responses to texts which are wide-ranging in their form, style and context. You will also produce your own imaginative writing, and will demonstrate your ability to produce writing for given audiences.
General Electives
How does a business make money? If you said sales, then you’re right! This course explores the secrets to sales. You’ll learn expectations, best practices, sales planning, building a clientele that becomes long-term buyers, and how to stay motivated to sell, sell, sell! If sales management is your goal, you’ll learn about management styles, how to find, hire, train, motivate, and compensate your team.
Can you think of a brand that first launched in the U.S. and then became popular in other countries? Facebook™️ did this very thing! Without a solid understanding of business and international marketing strategy, it becomes nearly impossible to be successful and stand out from the crowd. Discover how business and marketing works around the world. You’ll learn about topics such as regulations, market research, marketing plans, global trends, buying and selling internationally, and more.
To ensure a flourishing democracy, citizens must possess the capacity and willingness to communicate and share ideas amongst themselves, within their communities, and with their governmental representatives. While freedom of speech constitutes a fundamental requirement for a healthy democracy, it alone is insufficient. The practice of meaningful discussion, aimed at comprehending information and evaluating options to arrive at decisions, is what we refer to as “deliberation.” Deliberating on civic matters involves consideration into opposing opinions, resolving challenging questions, and accepting majority decisions while respecting dissenting voices. In this course, you will acquire the skills and techniques essential for effective deliberation. You will do so while engaging in thoughtful discussions about complex public issues to make well-informed decisions. Over the span of several weeks, students will participate in live deliberations encompassing topics such as cyberbullying, crime and punishment, freedom of expression, juvenile justice, voting, violence in video games, youth curfews, global climate change, parental liability, and globalization.
What if you could do the impossible? Engineers understand a lot of things, but the word impossible definitely isn’t one of them. Through Concepts of Engineering and Technology, you’ll learn how the momentum of science is continually propelling engineers in new directions towards a future full of insight and opportunity. This course explores the different branches of engineering and how problem-solving, sketching, collaboration, and experimentation can change the very fiber of our human lives. This ever-increasing knowledge can also lead to serious ethical dilemmas and the need to discuss where the boundaries of science lie (or even if there should be boundaries). By examining astounding engineering feats and complex ongoing issues, you, too, will begin to question whether the word impossible really exists.
What if you could do the impossible? Engineers understand a lot of things, but the word impossible definitely isn’t one of them. Through Concepts of Engineering and Technology, you’ll learn how the momentum of science is continually propelling engineers in new directions towards a future full of insight and opportunity. This course explores the different branches of engineering and how problem-solving, sketching, collaboration, and experimentation can change the very fiber of our human lives. This ever-increasing knowledge can also lead to serious ethical dilemmas and the need to discuss where the boundaries of science lie (or even if there should be boundaries). By examining astounding engineering feats and complex ongoing issues, you, too, will begin to question whether the word impossible really exists.
Junior Prep serves as the course to direct the path to college enrollment. This course will utilize the Naviance ACT Test Prep curriculum as the foundation for this course. This ACT test preparation provides students with tools and strategies to not only familiarize them with the structure and content of the ACT but also provide them with a head start on their senior year. Junior Prep will also provide students with support through Naviance and coursework to prepare for the college application process. Students will identify career paths of interest and what post-secondary education they will need in order to obtain their goals.
Do you like to invite solutions to solve problems? Applied engineering has advanced areas such as energy, transportation, health and genetics, alternative energy, food packaging, etc. Explore various inventions and solutions that have solved problems across industries. Examine how artificial intelligence and technology are making an impact on breakthroughs. Evaluate the range of robotic and STEM-related career options available for you to make a difference in lives with your contributions and innovations.
Discover how technology has changed the world around us by pursuing technological solutions to everyday problems. While using scientific and engineering methods, learn how electricity, electronic systems, magnets, and circuits work. Understand the design process and bring your ideas to life. Explore how engineering advances your ideas and the world!
Kindergarten students begin learning the basics of locomotor and non-locomotor movements, jump roping, and dribbling. They learn to balance and about how food is energy.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
First graders begin to combine locomotor and non-locomotor movements. They continue to improve their jump roping by jumping forward and backwards on a self-turned rope and practice catching. They focus on balance and weight transfer. They look at the benefits of being active and the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
Second grade students begin to learn the basics of proper throwing and catching. They learn to jump rope with someone else holding the rope. They learn to catch a ball being thrown at them and begin the basics of striking. They look at foods to choose for before or after a workout.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
Third grade students begin to combine locomotor movements into dance. They begin practicing underhand throwing and catching a hand-sized ball. They continue ball striking with a long-held implement and jump roping. They can identify foods that are beneficial for their health.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
Fourth grade students learn to play catch with proper throwing and catching stances. They learn about feet dribbling at certain distances and are asked to learn 4 of 10 jump roping tricks. They practice and learn a video led dance routine and learn about the importance of hydration.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
Fifth graders learn about the four main types of workouts. They combine hand dribbling with other skills and can stike a ball pitched at them. They will create their own dance routine and analyze their own fitness assessments. They learn about muscles and about making healthy food choices for a balanced diet.
Using a blend of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, students will investigate and engineer solutions to problems; students will also construct evidence-based explanations of real-world phenomena. Coursework will focus on meeting students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic needs and encourage shared contributions from schools, families, and the surrounding community.
Do you find yourself wondering how your favorite apps, websites, and games were made? Maybe you want to try building your own. Well, now you can! In Middle School Coding, you will get an introduction to the basics of computer science, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. You’ll leave the course with a portfolio of work you can show off!
Are you physically fit? What does being fit mean to you? Physical fitness is a lot more than just a number on a scale – and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this course! This course will help you understand the basics behind what it means to be physically fit; allow you to gain a deeper understanding about how your body functions; learn the complex science behind exercise; explore what it means to be mindful and what inspires you; and determine how you can test your current level of fitness. Being and staying physically fit is a lifelong endeavor and, just like human beings, there are many complexities involved! Learning about and improving your physical fitness is a smart choice to make at any age – and by signing up for this course, you will be doing exactly that! Consider this course to be the first step on your exciting journey to understanding and improving your physical fitness!
Half-Credit Course
As students enter middle school, they need a new set of skills because they face more autonomy, more responsibility, and greater social pressure than before. In the Turbo Leader I course, students learn how to build confidence, boost academic achievement, and manage complex interpersonal relationships. By the end of the course, students will have mastered dozens of proven strategies for promoting growth, solving challenges, and achieving their goals.
Half-Credit Course
Turbo Leader 1 is required prerequisite
Turbo Leader 2 equips students with tools that boost their skills and personal voice, which ultimately leads to building confidence, creating healthy coping mechanisms, and finding lifelong passions. Through applying these powerful skills, students can make meaningful differences in their schools and communities.
English Elective
For many hundreds of years, literature has been one of the most important human art forms. It allows us to give voice to our emotions, create imaginary worlds, express ideas, and escape the confines of material reality. Through creative writing, we can come to better understand ourselves and our world. This course can provide you with a solid grounding in the writing process, from finding inspiration to building a basic story. Then, when you are ready to go beyond the basics, learn more complicated literary techniques to create strange hybrid forms of poetry and prose. By the end of this course, you can better discover your creative thoughts and turn those ideas into fully realized pieces of creative writing.
Half-Credit Course
In the Cybersecurity course, students will learn about the practice of protecting networks, systems, and programs from digital attacks. They will better understand the aim of these attacks, such as destroying information, extorting money and resources, or disrupting business operations. They will learn about the challenges and opportunities that implementing cybersecurity measures can present. As attackers become more innovative, it is more important than ever to have effective cybersecurity channels in place to counter them. Students will learn about countermeasures and role recovery and their integral function in the cybersecurity realm. Additionally, students will learn what makes certain networks and systems more vulnerable to attacks. They will become adept at identifying potential viruses, worms, threats, and malware. The Cybersecurity course acts as a foundation on which to build extensive knowledge about threats to digital security.
Half-Credit Course
This course will prepare students for certification in Entrepreneurship and Small Business. The modules are designed to cover all aspects of entrepreneurship including traits of successful entrepreneurs, business management, hiring employees, creating a company culture, managing finances, and marketing products and services. Each module will challenge students to put themselves in the role of an entrepreneur and consider how they will handle the extensive responsibilities of starting a business.
This internship course is a companion course to an approved and established internship with an outside organization or program. The course can be taken for .5 high school credits and up to 1 credit. It is the responsibility of the student to first secure an internship prior to enrollment in the course. In this course you will engage in a field experience of your choice with a qualified mentor who will give you key insights into various aspects of your chosen field. As an intern you will have the opportunity to plan and execute a series of activities that will enhance the development of your personal abilities within the field of study you have chosen. You will work with your instructor to design a personalized internship experience. *Note: this course is currently only offered for full-time students.
Work Study is a companion course to an approved student 60-hour workplace experience for .5 high school elective credits up to 1 credit. Students will learn durable skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Students also explore professional development in areas of resume building, time management, career assessments, and career planning. Critical reflection is encouraged through live lessons, discussion boards, and journal entries. *Note: this course is currently only offered for full-time students.
Fitness Fundamentals A (semester)
This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills and information needed to begin a personalized exercise program and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Students participate in pre- and post-fitness assessments in which they measure and analyze their own levels of fitness based on the five components of physical fitness: muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. In this course, students research the benefits of physical activity, as well as the techniques, principles, and guidelines of exercise to keep them safe and healthy. Throughout this course students participate in a weekly fitness program involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility training.
Fitness Fundamentals B (semester)
This course takes a more in-depth look at the five components of physical fitness touched on in Fitness Fundamentals 1: muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and body composition. This course allows students to discover new interests as they experiment with a variety of exercises in a non-competitive atmosphere. By targeting different areas of fitness, students increase their understanding of health habits and practices and improve their overall fitness level. Students take a pre- and post-fitness assessment. Throughout this course students also participate in a weekly fitness program involving elements of cardio, strength, and flexibility.
Fingerprints. Blood spatters. Gunshot residue. If these things intrigue you rather than scare you, Forensic Science I: Secrets of the Dead may be for you. This course offers you the chance to dive into the riveting job of crime scene analysis. Learn the techniques and practices applied during a crime scene investigation and how clues and data are recorded and preserved. You will better understand how forensic science applies technology to make discoveries and bring criminals to justice as you follow the entire forensic process—from pursuing the evidence trail to taking the findings to trial. By careful examination of the crime scene elements, even the most heinous crimes can be solved.
Half-Credit Course
In this course, students will learn all about bitcoin, including its history, development, and context within the modern global economy. Students will learn the basic cryptographic principles that underlie bitcoin, and gain confidence by demonstrating strong security principles in storing and transacting bitcoin. Key principles such as mining, wallets, and hashing will be introduced. And finally, they will be familiarized with the nascent industry of digital currencies and how they function.
This comprehensive health course provides students with essential knowledge and decision-making skills for a healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze aspects of emotional, social, and physical health and how these realms of health influence each other. Students will apply principles of health and wellness to their own lives. In addition, they will study behavior change and set goals to work on throughout the semester. Other topics of study include substance abuse, safety and injury prevention, environmental health, and consumer health.
We all know money is important in life. But how important? In fact, the financial decisions you make today may have a lasting effect on your future. Rather than feeling anxious about money feel empowered by learning how to make smart decisions! Personal and Family Finance will begin the conversation around how to spend and save your money wisely, investing in safe opportunities and the days ahead. Learning key financial concepts around taxes, credit, and money management will provide both understanding and confidence as you begin to navigate your own route to future security. Discover how education, career choices, and financial planning can lead you in the right direction to making your life simpler, steadier, and more enjoyable.
Do you ever wonder how your mind works? Why do you think about your world the way you do? As you prepare for college, career, and life, psychology is an invaluable foundation for understanding what makes humans tick. In addition to theory and science work, you will gain knowledge on a wide array of issues on both individual and global levels, examining connections between content areas within psychology and relating them to psychological knowledge of everyday life, including available careers for those who study psychology.
Half-Credit Course
Students hear a lot of contradictory advice in life. On one hand, they may hear something like “Follow your dreams. Pursue your passion and the money will come!” On the other hand, they may hear something completely opposite, like “Most startups fail! It’s much safer to get a safe, steady job.” So which side is right? Given the massive changes to the economy and society, the skills of entrepreneurship are going to be critical in building a lasting career. The entrepreneurial mindset of searching for opportunities, creating value, and solving pain points will always be valuable. And this mindset applies not just to starting a business, but in any organization that someone is a part of: school, established companies, or non-profits. In this course, students will explore how to use this mindset to create the next world-class startup.
In this course, you will explore the relationship between structure and function and how the human body maintains homeostasis. You will apply principles learned in biology to each of the human body systems as well as how cellular transport, cellular organelles, and organic macromolecules come together in a specific organization to maintain life.
Kindergarten will be devoted to quantity and numbers through the development of competency with counting and the relationship to quantity, understanding addition and subtraction, and understanding various strategies for addition and subtraction within 10, as well as developing place value understanding of whole numbers through 19.
Students will extend their knowledge of addition and subtraction to two-digit numbers. They will develop understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20, develop competency of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones through 100, and develop understanding of linear measurement. They will also explore measurement, charts, graphs, time, money, and solid shapes.
Students will extend their knowledge of addition and subtraction to two-digit numbers. They will develop understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20, develop competency of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones through 100, and develop understanding of linear measurement. They will also explore measurement, charts, graphs, time, money, and solid shapes.
Students will extend understanding of place value of multi-digit numbers to 1000 and fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers to 1000; develop competency in multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100; develop understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area; develop understanding of fractions as numbers, especially unit fractions.
Students will extend understanding of place value to multi-digit numbers and fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers; develop understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends; develop understanding of fraction equivalence, addition, and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers.
Students are introduced to multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers; practicing long division with and without remainders; adding, subtracting, and multiplying unlike fractions and mixed numbers; developing understanding in performing operations with decimals to hundredths and estimating by rounding. Students will also practice graphing on a coordinate plane and calculating the volume of solid figures.
The content within this course focuses on the four critical areas defined by the Common Core State Standards: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
This course uses a program called ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics he/she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions.
The content within this course focuses on the four critical areas defined by the Common Core State Standards: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
This course uses a program called ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics he/she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions.
The content within this course focuses on the three critical areas defined by the Common Core State Standards: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
This course uses a program called ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics he/she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions.
Honors course available
The course content will include a rigorous approach to solving, graphing, and writing linear quadratic, rational, and exponential functions. You will develop mathematical knowledge that will increase your ability to communicate and reason with mathematical concepts. This course offers a solid foundation for further study of mathematical relationships.
Honors course available
Included in this course is a study of both two and three-dimensional shapes, congruence, similarity, transformations and the relationships between geometric shapes. You will develop mathematical knowledge that will increase your ability to communicate and reason with mathematical concepts. This course offers a solid foundation for further study of mathematical relationships.
Honors course available
Included in this course is a study of the complex number system and its properties, factorization, simplification of radicals and polynomials, linear and quadratic functions, graphs and equations, matrices, determinants, rational expressions, probability, and statistics. You will develop mathematical knowledge that will increase your ability to communicate and reason with mathematical concepts. This course offers a solid foundation for further study of mathematical relationships.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
In Mathematical Models with Applications, you will learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance, science, engineering, fine arts, and social sciences. You will use algebraic, graphical, and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure, model information, solve problems, and communicate solutions. Along the way, you will select from a variety of tools including manipulatives, technology, and data collection devices. This course takes an integrated approach to mathematics as you further your skills in the disciplines of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and probability and statistics.
This is an honors course.
Included in this course is a further depth study of functions, quadratics, logarithms, coordinate geometry, vectors, trigonometry probability and statistics with the addition of differentiation, integration and differential equations. You will develop mathematical knowledge that will increase your ability to communicate and reason with mathematical concepts. This course offer a solid foundation for further study of mathematical relationships.
This is an honors course.
Calculus plays an important role in science, medicine, sociology and economics. Consequently, it is important for everyone to learn. The objective of this course is to enable students not just to recognize concepts, but learn to work with them in ways that will be useful in their future careers and life. The course uses a logical progression from fundamental to advanced concepts so that students can make more connections between theories and applications. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives, related rates, optimization, integration, area under the curve, volumes of revolution, and centers of mass.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2
Half-credit course
Probability and Statistics is a mathematics course that teaches two related but distinguishable disciplines. Probability is the study of the likelihood that an event will occur. For example, what is the likelihood that you will win a writing contest if there are 3,000 entries? What are the chances that you will land that lead role in the school play if 30 students audition? In statistics, you will practice the science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in order to make decisions. The study of statistics upholds that of probability. You’ve likely worked with both disciplines to varying degrees during your math education.
In this course, you will represent and interpret data using dot plots, histograms, box plots, two-way frequency tables, and scatter plots. You will study normal distributions and distinguish between correlation and causation. You will also determine the conditional probability of two events or whether the events are independent. Using counting techniques and the rules of probability, you will calculate probabilities and use the results to make educated and fair decisions. You will evaluate several data collection techniques and statistical models, including simulations. The course closes with information on how you can use probability models to represent situations arising in everyday life that involve both payoff and risk.
Science Lab
How do Nurses care for patients during their shift? From hospital settings to home health care, from pre- and postoperative to rehabilitation. Discover how best to communicate and work with a Nursing team to ensure a safe environment, prevent and control infectious diseases, advocate for patient’s rights, and provide appropriate care – even for the most complex patient needs.
This course will allow students to explore what it means to be a Nursing Assistant. This role can be the first step on your nursing career ladder or into other healthcare positions. Learn career options, ethical and legal responsibilities, anatomy and physiology, patient care, and safety. Discover what it takes to start the journey into this highly needed field.
Discover the medical terminology associated with even more body systems to increase your ability to master prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Connect this language to real-world patients and clinical settings through practical applications and specific scenarios. Launch your health knowledge with detailed medical terms.
Learning the language is essential for careers in health science. Join word parts to form medical terms, associations within body systems, and better communicate with colleagues and patients. Build your proficiency and confidence with this course and prepare yourself for a career in health sciences.
In this course, students will learn the skills that could save lives, from mastering CPR and AED to taking vital signs with confidence. Discover how to stay cool in high-pressure situations, prevent injuries, and eliminate medical errors, while gaining a solid foundation in safety and emergency skills. Along the way you will build leadership and teamwork skills that will set you apart in any healthcare role, whether you’re dreaming of clinical work or a role in healthcare administration. Step into the exciting, fast-paced world of healthcare – your journey starts here.
In this course, students explore the concepts of health, wellness, and preventative care across the lifespan while also learning how the human body works. From cutting-edge technology to first-line patient care, get ready to dip your toes into the range of careers available in therapeutic services, diagnostic services, biotechnology, support services, and informatics. While learning how to apply critical skills needed by today’s healthcare provider, you’ll gain an understanding of the education and training necessary to launch your dream career!
In this course, you will explore how the spheres of Earth are connected to create and maintain a habitable planet. You will apply principles learned previously about outer space, our solar system, and the planets to understand Earth’s place in outer space. You will evaluate how internal and external processes interact with one another, and will analyze current and historical data to predict what future Earth may look like.
In kindergarten, students use their senses to help them make observations about the world around them, recognizing patterns and the structures and functions of living and non-living things.
In first grade, students develop an understanding of causal relationships as they investigate how objects can impact other objects from a distance or by contact with each other. They also develop systems thinking as they investigate how organisms interact with Earth for survival and how life systems have cycles.
In second grade, students develop an understanding of systems and system models along with energy and matter. Students develop an understanding of observable properties of matter, how energy changes matter, the distribution, and role of water and wind, and how life on Earth depends on an energy source.
In third grade, students develop an understanding of systems and system models along with structure and function involving energy and matter.
In fourth grade, students apply systems and system models as they investigate how energy and the availability of resources affects Earth systems (geosphere and biosphere). They also develop an understanding of stability and change with regards to how populations of organisms and Earth have changed over time.
In fifth grade, students apply their understanding of scale at micro levels as they investigate changes in matter and at macro levels as they investigate patterns of genetic information and movement between Earth and Moon.
This inquiry- and lab-based course is designed to support modern science curriculum and teaching practices. It robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with a sixth-grade integrated science course (NGSS Appendix K: Modified Conceptual Progression Model, p. 19), focusing on basic physical science, Earth and space science, and ecosystems. Content topics include structure and properties of matter, forces and motion, the Earth and space, the history of the Earth, the interdependence of ecosystems, and weather and climate.
Each lesson includes one or more inquiry-based activities that can be performed online within the context of the lesson. In addition, the course includes a significant number of hands-on lab activities. Approximately 40% of student time in this course is devoted to true lab experiences, as defined by the National Research Council (2006, p. 3).
Lab materials note: All hands-on labs employ relatively-common household materials.
This inquiry- and lab-based course is designed to support modern science curriculum and teaching practices. It robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with a seventh-grade integrated science course (NGSS Appendix K: Modified Conceptual Progression Model, p. 19), focusing on cells, the life cycle, nutrition, chemical reactions, force fields, and energy. Content topics include cells and human body systems, the life cycle, nutrition and energy, chemical reactions, force fields, and energy.
Each lesson includes one or more inquiry-based activities that can be performed online within the context of the lesson. In addition, the course includes a significant number of hands-on lab activities. Approximately 40% of student time in this course is devoted to true lab experiences, as defined by the National Research Council (2006, p. 3).
Lab materials note: All hands-on labs employ relatively-common household materials.
This inquiry- and lab-based course is designed to support modern science curriculum and teaching practices. It robustly meets NGSS learning standards associated with an eighth-grade integrated science course (NGSS Appendix K: Modified Conceptual Progression Model, p. 19). Content topics include genes and adaptations, evolution, energy and the Earth, the Earth’s changing climate, waves, and technology and human impacts on the Earth.
Each lesson includes one or more inquiry-based activities that can be performed online within the context of the lesson. In addition, the course includes a significant number of hands-on lab activities. Approximately 40% of student time in this course is devoted to true lab experiences, as defined by the National Research Council (2006, p. 3).
Lab materials note: All hands-on labs employ relatively-common household materials.
Honors course available
This course allows you to learn about living organisms, including humans, and their interactions with each other and their surroundings. This includes investigations regarding the health of human beings, animals, organisms, and entire ecosystems. You will learn how the advances in the study of biology impact society and each of us as individuals and, in turn, how we each have an impact on the organisms and environment around us. Ultimately and ideally, this will culminate in a newfound appreciation for the interdependence of life on Earth.
Honors course available
In this course, students will investigate the chemistry around them: in medicine they take, services they use, and the food they eat. Each of the key topics covered is brought together under the umbrella of geohealth: the study of human health in the context of ecology, environmental science, climate change, agriculture, waste and water management, and diseases. The course is taught through real world case studies, where students take on the role of a chemist working with a team of experts to investigate medical or environmental issues. In these case studies, students learn about topics like atomic structure, phases of matter, stoichiometry, and thermodynamics in scenario-based learning where they complete projects that require critical thinking, making and testing predictions, application, and synthesizing multiple concepts to succeed.
In this course, you will have the opportunity to explore the characteristics of objects and materials that you encounter daily. You will gain an understanding of the nature of matter and energy, including their forms, the changes they undergo, and their interactions. You will develop an understanding of the fundamental laws of motion, knowledge of the various ways energy is stored in a system, and the processes by which energy is transferred between systems and surroundings. You will participate in regular in-person labs (with materials available at home or a school lab site), and experience experiments that are supplemented with other virtual reality experiences.
Honors course available
This course helps learners understand the technological world in which they live and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. You will learn about the basic principles of physics through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. You will also gain an understanding of how science is studied and practiced, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities, and the environment. You will participate in regular in-person labs (with materials available at home or a school lab site), and experience experiments that are supplemented with other virtual reality experiences.
Social Studies
Through an introduction to civics, geography, economics, and history, students will understand their roles and responsibilities as citizens within their own context. Students will also learn about their own culture and how it impacts understanding of oneself and others as well as get introduced to aspects of our national culture.
Through the study of civics, geography, economics, and history, students will understand how a community functions and how each member contributes to the community for the common good. Students will study their local community and learn about characteristics that define urban, suburban, and rural communities. Democratic principles and participation in government are introduced. Community resources, environment, change over time, and cause/effect are examined.
Through the study of geography and economics, the students’ lenses expand to learn how their world is interconnected globally. Students will develop a spatial understanding of the world around them so they can understand how other cultures and civilizations are interconnected and have influenced who we are as a community, state, and nation. United States history, world history, and civics will also be taught.
Students will study Arizona with an integrated approach, considering the contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups, including the 22 Indian Nations that reside in Arizona, the structure of the state and local governments, the roles and responsibilities as citizens of Arizona, and the economic, political, and geographic elements of the state.
Students will study the Americas (North, Central, and South America along with the Caribbean Islands) using an integrated approach considering the theories about the first peopling of the Americas, the development of Mesoamerican and South American civilizations, American Indian life in the Americas prior to European exploration, the causes and consequences of European exploration and colonization, the contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups in relation to the development of the Americas, and the roles and responsibilities as members of a society.
Students understand the history of the United States within an integrated approach considering the historic and economic events from American Revolution to Industrialism, the development and structure of the national government, the influence of immigration, the contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups to the changing social and political structure of the United States, and the roles and responsibilities as citizens of the United States.
Sixth grade students will understand the cultural, religious, economic, and political systems of selected societies with a focus on the Eastern Hemisphere. Regions include the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Asia (east, south, and southeast), and Oceania. This course covers prehistory to Renaissance.
The content focus will be viewed through historical and geographic lenses. Seventh grade students will understand the relationships and interactions between societies and cultures in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. United States history will be taught as it intersects with global issues. This course covers the time period between the Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment and the present.
The content focus will be viewed through civic and economic lenses. Citizenship and civic engagement will be taught through inquiry. Eighth grade students will make connections between historical and current/recent issues as a base for implementing change in society. Students will recognize and practice their roles and responsibilities as both American and global citizens. United States History will focus on the major events that have their roots in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and subsequent amendments.
Honors course available
In Part A, you’ll explore major historical events around the world throughout. In the first unit, you’ll develop your historical thinking skills. In the second and third units, you’ll learn about the major religions and classical civilizations of several regions around the world. In the fourth unit, you’ll examine the origins and developments of European exploration. In the fifth unit, you’ll learn about the causes and effects of the Renaissance and the Reformation. In the sixth unit, you’ll explore revolutions that occurred from 1789 to 1848, including the Scientific Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution.
In Part B, you’ll explore major historical events around the world. In the first unit, you’ll explore the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution, the spread of nationalism in Europe, and the Russian Revolution. In the second unit, you’ll analyze imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and examine the causes and consequences of World War I. In the third unit, you’ll study World War II, analyzing the factors that started the war and the impact of the war. In the fourth unit, you’ll explore the rise and fall of communism in the Soviet Union and China and learn about the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the fifth unit, you’ll analyze the effects of decolonization in Southeast Asia and Africa. You’ll also study the modernization of China and the rise of nationalism in the Middle East. In the last unit, you’ll explore economic globalization and evaluate the benefits and challenges of living in the modern world.
Honors course available
US History is the study of the events, people, and culture of the United States over time. In US History Part A, you will learn about the process of historical inquiry, review the events and principles behind the founding of the United States, and then apply historical inquiry to analyze societal issues, trends, and events from the Civil War through the rise of US imperialism. You’ll explore timelines to gain an understanding of how events link to each other, and you’ll analyze historical documents for a firsthand sense of how events unfolded. You’ll also gather evidence from relevant documents and historical texts in order to develop credible explanations of events in US history. You’ll then use that evidence to evaluate change and continuity over time by writing essays and creating presentations about broad periods of historical development.
In US History Part B, you will apply historical inquiry to analyze societal issues, trends, and events of US history from World War I to the present, including the Cold War, Civil Rights and other social movements, the Vietnam War, modern presidencies, and responses to global terrorism. You’ll explore timelines to gain an understanding of how events link to each other, and you’ll analyze historical documents for a firsthand sense of how events unfolded. You’ll also gather evidence from relevant documents and historical texts in order to develop credible explanations of events in US history. You’ll then use that evidence to evaluate change and continuity over time.
Honors course available
With great freedom, comes great responsibility. Become an expert in responsible citizenship as you study the purposes, principles, and practices of American government as established by the U.S. Constitution. In this course, you will learn how and why the U.S. Government was developed, and how it currently operates. Included in this exploration will be the historical context for the creation of the U.S. Constitution and the three branches of the government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. You will also learn about the role of state and local governments, all while contemplating how and why citizens can participate responsibly within these contexts.
Honors course available
How does our modern economy work? In this course, you will examine the allocation of scarce resources and the economic reasoning used by government agencies and by people as consumers, producers, savers, investors, workers, and voters. As you prepare for college, career, and life, you will examine the key economic philosophies and economists who have influenced the economies around the world in the past and present.
World Languages
In ASL 1, students will work to develop a novice low proficiency level in American Sign Language, preparing them to handle a variety of basic communicative tasks. They will also gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the ASL-speaking world. Specific topics covered include: introductions, family, directions, shopping, jobs, and making plans.
In ASL 2, students will acquire an intermediate low proficiency level in American Sign Language, preparing them to successfully handle a variety of basic communicative tasks. They will also gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the ASL-speaking world. Specific topics covered include: making requests, weather, money, sightseeing, and famous deaf people.
In the first level, you will learn the language basics, greetings and introductions, work and school, shopping, travel, and about past/future as you build grammar and vocabulary of the language. You will also learn about the culture of the language speaking countries.
In the second level, you will continue to build your grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skills as you explore friends and social life, dining and vacation, home and health, life and world, everyday things, and places and events. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
This is an honors course.
In the third level, you will reach a higher level of grammar and vocabulary mastery while enriching your speaking skills. You will study tourism and recreation, professions and hobbies, at home and around town, style and personal wellness, business and industry, and arts and academics. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
This is an honors course.
This course offers a compilation of activities, including current events, French music, authentic French text, and grammar review. We are excited for you to become immersed in the speaking, listening, and writing skills of the language as well as the culture of the countries where French is spoken. At the completion of level 4, students will be able to discuss current events happening in French-speaking countries around the world, interpret authentic French music and texts, and speak and write using complex French grammar.
In the first level, you will learn the language basics, greetings and introductions, work and school, shopping, travel, and about past/future as you build grammar and vocabulary of the language. You will also learn about the culture of the language speaking countries.
In the second level, you will continue to build your grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skills as you explore friends and social life, dining and vacation, home and health, life and world, everyday things, and places and events. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
This is an honors course.
In the third level, you will reach a higher level of grammar and vocabulary mastery while enriching your speaking skills. You will study tourism and recreation, professions and hobbies, at home and around town, style and personal wellness, business and industry, and arts and academics. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
This is an honors course.
In this class, students will continue to expand on their previous listening, speaking, writing and listening skills by utilizing a variety of authentic texts, videos, projects, news sources and other presentations. Students will also have the opportunity to evaluate other classmate’s submissions, thus giving them the opportunity to utilize and evaluate what they have already learned and apply it to real-world, authentic contexts. During the live lessons, students should review the material in advance and come prepared to class and be willing to participate in the target language. This class should not only be a review of what students have already learned in levels 1-3, but also an opportunity to enhance their speaking skills with their peers. We are so excited to offer this class and are looking forward to a great semester! Jetzt geht’s los!
Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in U.S. homes, even among non-Hispanics, according to the Pew Research Center. There are overwhelming cultural, economic, and demographic reasons for students to achieve mastery of Spanish. MS Spanish engages students and uses a variety of activities to ensure student engagement and to promote personalized learning.
In the first level, you will learn the language basics, greetings and introductions, work and school, shopping, travel, and about past/future as you build grammar and vocabulary of the language. You will also learn about the culture of the language speaking countries.
In the second level, you will continue to build your grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skills as you explore friends and social life, dining and vacation, home and health, life and world, everyday things, and places and events. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
This is an honors course.
In the third level, you will reach a higher level of grammar and vocabulary mastery while enriching your speaking skills. You will study tourism and recreation, professions and hobbies, at home and around town, style and personal wellness, business and industry, and arts and academics. Continue to explore the culture of the language speaking countries.
Fine Arts
Are you a fashion trend follower? Are you drawn to how designers have pulled together fabrics and colors to create memorable pieces? Do you dream of designing your own line of clothing or accessories? Learn what it takes to get started in the fashion industry, from the careers available to new technology and trends reshaping the industry every day. Start creating!
Are you a fashion trend follower? Are you drawn to how designers have pulled together fabrics and colors to create memorable pieces? Do you dream of designing your own line of clothing or accessories? Learn what it takes to get started in the fashion industry, from the careers available to new technology and trends reshaping the industry every day. Start creating!
Did you know that baking is considered a science? Discover how to elevate your culinary skills through the creation of stocks, soups, sauces, and learn baking techniques. Examine sustainable food practices and the benefits of nutrition while maintaining taste, plating, and presentation to truly wow your guests. Explore careers in the culinary arts for ways to channel your newfound passion!
Thinking of a career in the foodservice industry or looking to develop your culinary skills? Explore basic cooking and knife skills while preparing you for entry into the culinary world. Discover the history of food culture, food service, and global cuisines while learning about food science principles and preservation. Prepare for your future by building the professional, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills that are crucial to a career in the culinary arts.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening, and reading, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening and reading, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening and reading, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more. Students in grades 3-5 will also have a chance to try their hand at some digital art.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening, and reading, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more. Students in grades 3-5 will also have a chance to try their hand at some digital art.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening, reading, and playing the recorder, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Students in this course will explore drawing techniques, perspective, and color theory. Students will study and create works of abstract art, pointillism, cubism, and pop art, while also learning about famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Georges Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, and more. Students in grades 3-5 will also have a chance to try their hand at some digital art.
The focus of this class is to provide students with many enjoyable experiences in music and the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of music-related skills. Through singing, playing, listening, reading, and playing the recorder/and or ukulele, students will experience the various elements of music. In class, students will be introduced to various styles and kinds of music.
Art I encourages students to collaborate to create art. Students investigate how art can be personally significant while learning to be open to new artistic ideas, materials, methods, and creative approaches. In this course, students also explore the ways in which art equipment and materials can affect the environment. They study why and how artistic design can influence people, and they design art for a diverse population. Students also determine whether works of art successfully communicate their intended message. This course introduces three-dimensional art, and students compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional pieces before creating their own 3-D artwork. They will view art from around the world and determine what the works reveal about the values and lifestyles of the people depicted in the works. Finally, students learn the importance of preserving art and the ways in which to critique art.
Prerequisite: Art 1
In Art II, students transition from exploratory art discovery to a more discipline-based approach. This new approach focuses on developing students’ skills and techniques as well as content knowledge, while still allowing for exploration and individuality. Students have the opportunity to act as real artists through repeated sketching, concept development, and continued research and observation activities while they work with a variety of media. Art II includes a strong focus on independent, creative thinking and problem solving through project-based learning. This course is designed to cover a half year of instruction, but it can be completed at each student’s own pace. The project-based activities have dedicated, multi-day lessons to allow students time to sufficiently and successfully develop their ideas and artwork.
We love to play video games, but have you ever wanted to build your own? If you are interested in a career in technology but also want a creative outlet, Game Design might be the field for you. Learn how to build a game from the ground up in this interactive and hands-on course that will teach you all the ins and outs of making your own game.
Photographs are all around us, and each helps to tell a story. Now it’s time for you to create your story through photos you learn how to take in part A of this course. Learn the basics of using a camera, lighting, and how to choose great subjects to create magazine-worthy photos and amaze your friends and family with your skills.
Do you have vacation photos or pics of your pet that need a little editing? How about getting ready to add that new selfie you took to your social media platform? Taking photos is an art, and editing photos is a skill that many photographers seek to master. In part of this course, explore how to manipulate angles and lighting, the purpose for different types of photo files, how to use different software to edit photos, and safe places you can store them. You’ll be well on your way to being an editing guru when you’re done with this course.
Required Materials
- Digital camera: “point and shoot” or above
- USB cable, as needed to transfer photos
- Audio recording device
- Video recording device
- An everyday household object (like a TV, refrigerator, etc.)
- Assorted food items
- Backdrop (blanket, construction paper, sheet, etc.)
- Word processing software
- Slide presentation software
- Online timeline creator
Note: A Smartphone may be used for most required tasks; however, appropriate applications will need to be installed to allow the student to make the necessary adjustments to the camera mode, shutter speed, and aperture.
This course is designed for people who have never picked up the instrument before but have always wanted to try. The course covers all of the notes, chords, and theory that you need to get started. And for those more advanced players, you’ll learn about different musical styles and techniques that aim to round out your sound and inspire your song craft. You will need a playable six-string guitar and a way to record and submit a video performance to your instructor. A guitar is “playable” if it is the correct size for the guitarist, is easy to press the strings down against the frets, and plays in tune up and down the fretboard. There are three common types of six-string guitars: classical, steel string, and electric. If you do not already have a guitar, you may want to seek the advice of an experienced guitarist, a guitar teacher, or your local music store. This course is taught using a right-handed guitar. Students choosing to use a left-handed guitar will need to adjust accordingly. No prior music background is required. No prerequisites are required.
Required Materials
To complete this course, you will need 1 of the following types of guitars:
- 6 string acoustic
- 6 string electric
- 6 string classical
You will also want a few picks at your disposal.
Optional purchases that most players like to have on hand include:
- 1 set of backup strings
- 1 string winder / peg winder
- 1 tuner app downloaded on your phone (or 1 physical tuner)
The course looks at characteristics of culture and art, primarily in the Western world, from prehistoric times up to the modern day. By exploring major turning points in history such as the first tools made, the first civilizations formed, and the rise and fall of major empires and religions you will more easily make connections to the artworks created. The course will also emphasize the impact culture itself has on the artworks produced in various times and places. You will examine the different types of value we assign to various types of art including aesthetic value, economic value, and social value. And lastly, you will learn about principles of design, which will help to build a common vocabulary for discussing and critiquing art.
Whether you love film, want to make videos for fun, or dream of becoming the next big director, this course is a great place to start. This is an entry-level course that will serve as an introduction to basic video/film/audio production. The goal of the course is for the student to develop the ability to capture great video images and audio, and to be able to edit those two elements together to tell a story. No prior video and film experience is needed. You will learn the fundamentals of visual storytelling, narrative writing, cinematography, lighting, and editing which serve as the basic skills necessary to take a short film from start to finish.
Required Materials:
- Students will need a single-license of Adobe Premiere Pro editing software – Note: Adobe Premier does not run on the Chromebook operating system. It requires a Mac or Windows OS.
- Access to a digital video camera (can be a smartphone)
- Audio recorder (can also be a smartphone)
- A tripod or monopod to stabilize your camera
- Camera lights (can be lights from around your house)
- As film and video is a collaborative art form, you will need people to be in your projects. This can be parents, siblings, friends or really anybody you can get to help you. The objective of this course isn’t to teach dramatic performance so it’s more important you have subjects to help you even if they don’t consider themselves actors.
Have you ever wondered how professional photographers manage to take such sensational pictures? How are they able to find just the right way to capture an image or moment in time? Perhaps you’ve even wondered why your own pictures don’t meet that standard. Digital Photography I: Creating Images with Impact! will answer these questions and help you understand.
Required Materials
- Manual DSLR camera or digital camera with manual settings (the camera needs to allow for the mode, shutter speed, and aperture to be adjusted)
- Tripod (or necessary item(s) to create a stable foundation such as a table)
- Reflector (white paper, poster board, sheets, or a wall can also serve as a reflector)
- Image editing software
- Access to a slideshow application, such as PowerPoint
In today’s world, we are surrounded by images. We are continually seeing photographs as they appear in advertisements, on websites, in magazines, and on billboards; they even adorn our walls at home. While many of these images have been created by professional photographers, it is possible for your photos to take on a more professional look after you take them.
Required Materials
- Manual DSLR camera or digital camera with manual settings (the camera needs to allow for the mode, shutter speed, and aperture to be adjusted)
- One frame (of your choice) to display a photograph on the wall
- 3M strip (or something similar)
- Image editing software capable of the following: cropping, changing a photo to black and white, adjusting color and brightness, resizing images, applying filters and special effects like texture or glitter, creating layers.
This course will not work on a Chromebook.
Are you a gamer? Do you enjoy playing video games or coding? Does the idea of creating and designing your own virtual world excite you? If so, this is the course for you! Tap into your creative and technical skills as you learn about the many aspects involved with designing video games. You will learn about video game software and hardware, various gaming platforms, necessary technical skills, troubleshooting and internet safety techniques, and even the history of gaming. And to top it all off, you’ll even have the opportunity to create your very own plan for a 2D video game! Turn your hobby into a potential career and go from simply being a player in a virtual world to actually creating one.
(Approved as a Fine Arts through the Arizona Board of Regents)
This course will not work on a Chromebook.
Build upon the skills learned in Game Design 1. You will learn more about video game software and hardware, various gaming platforms, necessary technical skills, troubleshooting and internet safety techniques, and even the history of gaming. And to top it all off, you’ll even have the opportunity to create your very own plan for a 2D video game!
(Approved as a Fine Arts through the Arizona Board of Regents)
This course is designed for people who have never picked up the instrument before but have always wanted to try. The course covers all of the notes, chords, and theory that you need to get started. And for those more advanced players, you’ll learn about different musical styles and techniques that aim to round out your sound and inspire your songcraft.
Required Materials
To complete this course, you will need 1 of the following types of guitars:
- 6 string acoustic
- 6 string electric
- 6 string classical
You will also want a few picks at your disposal.
Optional purchases that most players like to have on hand include:
- 1 set of backup strings
- 1 string winder / peg winder
- 1 tuner app downloaded on your phone (or 1 physical tuner)
Are you ready to take your guitar playing to the next level? Whether you want to play guitar for your family and friends, desire to be a professional performer, or just love playing music, this course is a great place to continue your journey towards musical excellence. You will build on the fundamentals of music and the basic skills necessary to play a wide variety of music styles. Student guides, Carlos and Ariel, will guide you through each step of this journey towards becoming a skilled guitarist and musician. This course can be used as a performing/fine arts credit to meet the requirements for certain high school graduation tracks.
Required Materials
To complete this course, you will need 1 of the following types of guitars:
- 6 string acoustic
- 6 string electric
- 6 string classical
You will also want a few picks at your disposal.
Optional purchases that most players like to have on hand include:
- 1 set of backup strings
- 1 string winder / peg winder
- 1 tuner app downloaded on your phone (or 1 physical tuner)
Have you ever heard a piece of music that made you want to get up and dance? Cry your heart out? Sing at the top of your lungs? Whether pop, classical, or anything in between, music provides a powerful way for people to celebrate their humanity and connect with something larger than themselves. Music Appreciation: The Enjoyment of Listening not only will provide a historical perspective on music from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, but it will also teach you the essentials of how to listen and really hear (with a knowledgeable ear) the different music that’s all around you. Learning how to truly appreciate sound and melody is the best way to ensure a continued love of this delightful art form.
Whether you love music, want to play piano or keyboard for your family and friends, or desire to be a music star, this course is a great place to start. No prior music experience is needed. You will learn the fundamentals of music and the basic skills necessary to play a wide variety of music styles. Your teaching guide, Analine, will take you through each step of this journey towards becoming a skilled pianist and musician.
Required Materials:
- Students will need a functioning keyboard instrument (acoustic or electronic). Common types of acoustic keyboard instruments include upright pianos and grand pianos. The keys on acoustic pianos are touch-sensitive so that when you press the keys lightly, you produce a soft sound, and when you press the keys heavily, you produce a louder sound. Common types of electronic keyboard instruments include digital pianos and electric keyboards. A digital piano is designed to feel—and sound like—an acoustic piano, having the same number of touch-sensitive keys. An electric keyboard may or may not have touch-sensitive keys and usually has fewer keys and more sound effects than a digital piano.
- Students will need a way to record and submit video performances to their instructor. (This can be done via a webcam and microphone connected to a computer. Other alternatives include a smartphone, tablet, or digital camera.)