Success Stories
Miami High School

This rural mining town school needed to equip teachers to create a personalized learning experience that exposes students to a rigorous, twenty-first century high school curriculum and prepares them for college and careers.
- 500 students grades 7-12
- 75% qualify for free and reduced lunch
- 50% Hispanic, 40% white, 10% other
- 75% of students living in home with one parent or less
- 45% unemployment/underemployment rate
Moving to a blended model
Principal Glen Lineberry recruited a few willing teachers to replace their traditional lecture model with a new blended learning station rotation model. “Changing a school isn’t easy, and we’re managing a change process utilizing teachers who’ve been in place for years. That requires a combination of wedges and gradual introduction. Having a couple excited teachers pilot the approach has opened the wedge for other instructors. Suddenly other teachers are asking if they can have that technology in their classroom. It has further advanced the culture of change I’ve been working to instill the last four years.”
Teacher training
During the initial implementation, ASU Prep Digital and Miami partners collaboratively created a plan to quickly train Miami teachers on best practices for online and blended instruction. ASU Prep Digital provided upfront professional development and continues to deliver monthly training.
“Being part of ASU is a huge deal for these students.”
Partnering with a leading university
One of the unique things about partnering with ASU Prep Digital is the connection to Arizona State University. Students become part of the university family, with access to all the resources of the most innovative college in the US. According to Lineberry, “Being part of ASU is a HUGE deal for these students.” This newfound affinity for college, combined with challenging college prep curriculum, is changing the path for many rural school students.
"I just love it."
Teachers and students have responded well to the blended environment and plans are underway for expanding the program. The success has attracted attention inside the school and in the surrounding communities, even luring students from nearby districts. One such student is Obreana Horta, who transferred from a nearby high school to be part of the program. “I found out that Miami was offering the ASU Prep Digital courses and I was very interested,” remarked Obreona. “I just love it. I feel like I’ve learned more so far, than I have at the school where I’ve been all my life.”