Is a college prep school right for your child? Find out here.

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Recently, the National Center for Education Statistics found that only 62% of public schools include college and career milestones in their graduation requirements. This means some students are heading into college with little to no preparedness for what’s to come—but college prep schools are changing that.

As a parent or guardian, it’s important to make informed decisions on whether or not a college prep school is right for your student, and to take that a step further by determining which one is the best fit for your family.

In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into college prep schools and how they can carve a path to future success for your student.

What are college prep schools?

Student in a hallway holding notebooks

A college prep school or preparatory academy is an institution that prepares students for college and continuing education. The curriculum is more personalized and project-based with a smaller student-to-teacher ratio, allowing for more one-on-one time with each student during the school year.

College prep programs can start as early as preschool or kindergarten and offer the ability for students to take concurrent university courses once they reach high school, saving time and money in the long run.

Student working on a robotics project

However, college prep schools don’t just focus on earning college credits—they also offer extracurricular activities, athletics, and personal development to support students’ academic growth. For example, ASU Prep Digital is an online K-12 college prep school offering extracurricular activities that include:

  • Clubs: Students participate in unique programs for all ages and interests like reading, art, math, drama, student government, and more.
  • Family events: Families enjoy online events and local in-person activities and field trips like movie night, game night, and coffee chats with the principal.
  • Just for fun: Curated by students, these activities include virtual talent shows, film fests, spirit week, and more.
  • Educational: Directly related to the curriculum, students can listen to guest speakers on various topics, participate in friendly competitions, and go on virtual or in-person field trips.
  • Special interests: Students and families can meet in-person or online to support charities and raise awareness for important issues.
  • University: Students can get in the school spirit throughout the year with homecoming events and family-day celebrations.

Benefits of enrolling in college prep schools

Student working virtually

College preparatory schools offer additional support services for college readiness like college counseling, college prep classes, and AP courses for college credit. They also prep students for the college application and interview process before their senior year.

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), students in private (or preparatory) schools consistently outperformed their public school peers. A few things that contribute to this success are challenging curriculum, smaller class sizes, and project-based coursework. Preparatory schools also offer additional opportunities for social interaction and emotional development through clubs and programs mentioned previously.

Is college prep right for your child?

Student working virtually

Whether you’re choosing an elementary school, preparing your child for middle school, or preparing them for college in high school, there are many excellent options for education that can meet short- and long-term goals for your student.

Assess your student’s needs and goals

What does your student want to do? What is their learning style? Do they want to go to college? Determine your student’s academic needs, strengths, weaknesses, and future aspirations when considering a college prep program.

Explore alternatives

Preparatory schools aren’t the best fit for everyone, but there are alternative options that can meet your student’s needs. Once you determine a goal, you can consider other options such as public school, charter schools, private schools, boarding schools, and even homeschooling.

Visit schools and ask questions

To get an honest feel from the school, visit it in person if the option is available. Attend information sessions, take a tour, and ask critical questions about their academics, support programs, and college prep strategy.

Weigh the pros and cons

College prep schools often have a more demanding curriculum and smaller school setting. They also sometimes require tuition, which can put a burden on families. Consider not just what your student’s goals are, but also your goal as a parent/guardian to find a balance that works for you.

Communicate with educators

For an honest and open discussion about the school, go to the source—teachers and faculty. Schedule time to chat with an admissions advisor or counselor about your personal needs and get their professional advice about next steps.

Choosing the right college prep school

Student working in a library

Cost and financial aid

Many factors contribute to the cost of a college prep school, including whether it’s parochial or specialized. On average, K–12 college prep schools can range anywhere from $4,000 – $34,000 in the U.S. Most institutes offer financial aid or scholarship for those who qualify, so remember to ask about available options.

Campus life and culture

Both prep and public schools offer campus events, dances, clubs, and more. However, prep schools offer a smaller class size that contributes to a more tight-knit environment for individualized instruction. These are all qualities to consider as you work to align your student’s personality and learning style with their academic goals.

Location and accessibility

Many private and preparatory schools offer both in-person and online options to match your family’s lifestyle. If your student has specific needs or if a school you like is far away, then consider an online or hybrid learning option to bridge that gap. Keep location in mind as time changes can affect start and stop times for classes.

Curriculum that fits student needs

Not all college prep schools are the same. Research the school to see if they offer courses and opportunities for your student based on their needs, asking questions such as:

Communication and academic support

There’s more to learning than just sitting in a classroom. Communicating regularly with other students and joining academic enrichment programs are a great way for your student to really immerse themselves in a topic and grow as a person. Many college prep schools (including ASU Prep Digital) offer enrichment and support programs like tutoring, small-group projects, and socialization opportunities with other grade levels.

As a parent/guardian, your involvement is crucial to your student’s academic success. By recognizing your student’s goals and aspirations, you can find a college prep school that positively shapes their future and sets them up for success while meeting the needs of your family.

Explore ASU Prep Digital’s innovative college prep education

Student working virtually

ASU Prep Digital is Arizona’s #1 online school serving students in grades K–12 and school partners around the world. We are a college prep option where online high school and university courses converge in a unique learning opportunity for all students. 

This accredited, rigorous virtual school program prepares students for college acceptance and encourages them to start earning credit toward college majors and careers in an increasingly interconnected environment.

In fact, we’re creating successful pathways to college for our students across the entire ASU Prep network, helping them achieve their goals and build a lifelong love of learning. Impressively, 83% of our seniors have been admitted to post-secondary education, collectively earning over 3,700 college credits and securing more than $16 million in scholarships.

We believe all students can succeed. Our unique teaching model supports students anywhere, anytime with the latest learning technologies and several layers of personalized instruction and coaching. 

We support districts in Arizona, while serving students and schools around the world.

Take the first step toward transforming your educational experience by attending an information session. Discover how ASU Prep Digital can support students’ academic aspirations and set them on a path to success.

Is a college prep school right for your child? FAQs

How can college prep school prepare you for college and life after?

College prep schools offer personalized curriculums with a focus on obtaining college credits before graduating. Students have a support system of educators and programs that help them through the college admission process and get the credits they need to advance.

What is a college prep school, and how does it differ from a traditional high school?

Prep schools focus on preparing students for college by offering college credit courses in high school. Class sizes are often smaller than traditional high schools, and allow for more one-on-one time with teachers and other students. 

What are the typical admission requirements for a college prep school?

Requirements differ depending on state and individual institutions. In addition to the usual health requirements and education records, prep schools often require an application, interview, and tuition payment before enrollment.

What are the benefits of attending a college preparatory school?

Benefits include smaller class sizes and student-to-teacher ratio, opportunity to earn college credits, and support programs to help students prepare for college and higher education.

What curriculum is typically offered at a college prep school?

Prep schools include the traditional foundational subjects (math, English, science, and social studies) and electives, with the option to take advanced placement classes for college credit.