Boost Your Student’s Success: Time Management for Online Students

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With over half of the schools in Arizona utilizing online learning, parents/guardians and students need to have the right resources for success. Navigating online education can be both challenging and rewarding. One key skill that can make a huge difference is effective time management. We’ll share some great strategies to help your students master time management and thrive in their online classes.

Challenges faced by online students with time management

Student learning from home

Despite the availability of various digital tools, online students often struggle with several aspects of time management. A significant challenge is the lack of structure that can happen with online learning environments. Traditional classrooms provide students with a set schedule they must adhere to, whereas online courses often require students to self-regulate and create their own routines. This flexibility can lead to procrastination and difficulties in maintaining discipline.

Another major struggle for online students is balancing academic responsibilities with their personal life. Many online learners juggle part-time jobs, family obligations, and other extracurriculars or outside activities alongside their studies, making it difficult to allocate sufficient time and energy to each task. 

And with the constant barrage of digital distractions, like social media and games at their fingertips, it can be difficult to focus or prioritize productivity. Consider limiting their use of smartphones during designated school time.

Are students getting better or worse with time management?

The proficiency of students in managing their time effectively has become somewhat of a hot topic. On one hand, the increasing availability of digital tools and resources has provided students with unprecedented ways to stay on track and hit their due dates. Apps for their calendar, task prioritization, and time tracking are more sophisticated and accessible than ever. 

On the other hand, the rise of digital distractions, like social media, video streaming, and online gaming, pose significant challenges to students’ ability to focus and manage their time. The constant barrage of notifications and the temptation to engage in things other than school make it difficult for students to stay disciplined and adhere to their study plans.

Further complicating the scenario is the variability in individual students’ ability to adapt to these tools and challenges. While some students thrive in a digital environment and leverage technology to enhance their time management, others may struggle to balance their academic responsibilities with the multitude of distractions.

Whether students are getting better or worse with time management largely depends on their personal habits, the resources they utilize, and their ability to resist distractions. Continuous awareness and intentional practice of effective time management strategies are crucial for students to navigate the complexities of online coursework.

Understanding the importance of time management for online students

Student learning virtually

Time management is a vital skill for students. It involves planning and exercising control over the amount of time spent on specific activities to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. For online students, effective time management can make the difference between academic success and constant stress.

Why time management is crucial for online learners

  • Self-Paced Learning: Online learning often provides more freedom than traditional classrooms. While this flexibility is advantageous, it also means students must manage their time effectively to keep up with coursework.
  • Avoiding Procrastination: Without the structure of a physical classroom, students may be tempted to procrastinate. Good time management habits can counteract this tendency.
  • Balancing Responsibilities: Students must juggle various responsibilities, including assignments, virtual classes, and personal time. Effective time management helps balance these diverse elements.

Time management tips to succeed in an online learning environment

Create an ideal space for learning

Student learning virtually

One of the first steps in managing time effectively is to create an optimal learning space for your student. Their workspace should be conducive to study time and getting things done. Consider making this area:

  • Quiet and free of distractions: Ensure the space is away from high-traffic areas in your home.
  • Well-equipped: Make sure your student has access to all necessary supplies, such as a computer, reliable internet connection, and textbooks.
  • Comfortable and ergonomic: A comfortable chair and desk setup can prevent fatigue and improve concentration, especially for live lectures.

Establish a routine at home

Student and parent playing basketball

Establishing a consistent daily schedule can help your student manage their time more effectively. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Morning Routine: Start the day with a healthy breakfast and a review of their schedule for the day.
  • Study Blocks: Divide the day into study blocks with short breaks in between to maintain focus.
  • After-School Activities: Allocate time for extracurricular activities, hobbies, and relaxation.

Leverage time management tools

Student learning virtually

Various tools can help your student keep track of their time and assignments:

  • Digital Calendars: Tools like Google Calendar can help organize tasks and set reminders.
  • Task Management Apps: Apps like Todoist or Trello can assist in breaking down assignments into manageable tasks.
  • Timers and Alarms: Using timers can help manage study blocks and breaks effectively. Forest is a great tool to set distraction-free focus time.

Setting achievable goals

Setting goals provides direction and motivation. Here’s how to help your student set achievable goals:

Prioritize setting SMART goals

Student learning virtually

Encourage your student to set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example:

  • Specific: “I want to complete my math assignment.”
  • Measurable: “I will complete two problems every day.”
  • Achievable: “I have all the resources I need.”
  • Relevant: “Completing this assignment will help me understand the next topic.”
  • Time-bound: “I will finish the assignment by Friday.”

Break down large tasks

Student learning from home

Large tasks can be overwhelming. Teach your students to break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. For instance, instead of saying “study history,” break it down into chunks they can check off like:

  • read chapter 1
  • take notes on chapter 1
  • review notes

Celebrate online learning achievements

Student and parent learning virtually

Acknowledging and celebrating your student’s achievements can boost their motivation. Celebrate both small and large milestones to encourage continued effort and success.

Communicate needs

Being able to effectively communicate and prioritize their needs will help online students achieve effective time management skills. Here’s a few tips:

Open communication with teachers

Student learning virtually

Encourage your students to communicate openly with their teachers. If they are struggling with a particular subject or need more time for an assignment, teachers can provide the necessary support and accommodations.

Parent/Guardian involvement

Student and parent learning virtually

Stay involved in your student’s education by regularly checking in on their progress. Discuss their schedule, upcoming assignments, and any challenges they might be facing. This not only shows your interest but also provides an opportunity to offer guidance and support.

Being attentive to signs of overload or burnout, as it helps you intervene and provide the necessary support to recalibrate their schedules and priorities.

Peer interaction

Student and parent learning from home

Encourage your student to interact with their peers, even in a virtual setting. Group studies and discussions can provide additional perspectives and support, making learning more engaging and effective.

Tailoring time management to your online student’s learning style

Every student has a unique learning style, and understanding this can help tailor time-management strategies effectively.

Student learning virtually

Visual Learners

Visual learners benefit from seeing information.

  • Use charts, graphs, and visual aids to help them organize their tasks and study materials.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners retain information better when they hear it.

  • Encourage them to read aloud, use audiobooks, and participate in discussions.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing.

  • Incorporate hands-on activities and allow for movement during study sessions to keep them engaged.

Reading or writing learners

Reading or writing learners prefer to learn through written words.

  • Encourage them to take detailed notes, write summaries, and read extensively.

Tools online students can use to help with time management

Effective time management can be greatly enhanced by leveraging technology. Here are some useful tools that online students can use to stay organized and on track:

  1. Task management tools: Apps such as Todoist, Trello, or Microsoft To-Do enable students to create task lists, set priorities, and track progress. These tools offer visual representations of what needs to be done and when helping students manage their workload effectively. todoist, Trello, Microsoft To-Do
  2. Time-Tracking Software: RescueTime and Toggl are examples of software that track how time is spent on different tasks. This can help students identify time-wasting activities and make adjustments to improve productivity. RescueTime and toggl track
  3. Note-Taking Apps: Evernote, OneNote, and Notion are powerful note-taking tools that allow students to organize their notes, create to-do lists, and store important information all in one place, making study sessions more streamlined. Evernote, OneNote, Notion
  4. Pomodoro Technique Apps: Apps like Focus Booster and Be Focused leverage the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in concentrated bursts (usually 25 minutes) followed by short breaks—think of a quick five-minute break or less. This method can help maintain focus and increase productivity. focus booster, Be Focused

By incorporating these tools into their daily routine, online students can enhance their ability to manage time effectively, leading to better academic performance and reduced stress.

Teaching your student effective time management

Student learning virtually

Effective time management skills are a valuable investment in students’ academic and personal success. By creating a structured environment, setting achievable goals, and tailoring strategies to their learning style, you can help them excel in their online studies.

Ready to take the next step? Book a call with one of our academic advisors to get personalized support for your student’s online learning journey. Together, we can unlock their full potential.

Considering online school for your student?

Student learning virtually

Switching to online school is easier than you might think. ASU Prep Digital is a great option to consider if you want to move away from homeschooling or public/private school and explore the flexibility and personalization of an online school program.

At ASU Prep Digital, we have a team dedicated to helping you navigate the enrollment process. We believe that every student and their family should be able to have an education that is unique and easily accessible.

ASU Prep Digital is an accredited online school program serving students in grades K–12, recognized as Arizona’s #1 Online School by Our unique teaching model supports students from the safety of their homes with the latest learning technologies and several layers of personalized instruction and coaching. In addition, our program is a college prep option where online high school and university courses converge, preparing students for college acceptance and encouraging them to start earning credit toward college majors and careers.

We support districts in Arizona while serving students and schools around the world. To learn more about ASU Prep Digital, please visit our website.

Considering online school for your student? Schedule a call with one of our enrollment advisors today and discover how ASU Prep Digital can help your student succeed in online schooling.


How can online high school students stay motivated and engaged?

Setting short-term and long-term goals helps maintain focus. Actively participating in live sessions and discussions creates a sense of community. Using varied study techniques and rewarding oneself for milestones also boosts motivation.

What are effective strategies for balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities in online schooling?

Effective time management and prioritization are crucial. Using planners to schedule both academics and extracurriculars ensures balance. Communicating with teachers and coaches about commitments and regularly adjusting the schedule helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.