Is Your High School Student Ready To Take College Classes?

4 questions parents should ask themselves before enrolling their high school student in college classes. Today, students have more opportunities than ever before. Including taking college courses while they are...
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Taking A Gap Year: How To Delay College and Not Fall Behind

Is Taking a Gap Year Right For You? Rapid advancements in technology continue to make far-flung distances feel shorter and shorter. Today, it’s easier than ever to work in real time with people on the opposite side of the globe, visit two continents in one day, experience another culture in...
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Top 10 Myths About Financial Aid

There are so many misconceptions out there about financial aid. From when the deadline is to whether or not its worth even applying. We've all heard these financial aid myths and rumors, like, "the FAFSA is only for grant money" or "you make too much money." And lastly, "You only...
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The Biggest Mistakes to Avoid on Your College Application

Thousands of high school students from across the country will be filling out college applications over the next couple months. If you’re one of them it probably means that you’ve already visited all the campuses, taken all the tests and checked all the extracurricular activities off your list. The only...
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How to Nail Your College Admissions Essay

The blinking cursor stares at you, as if tempting you to make the first move. College admissions deadlines are inching toward you, and all that’s left to do is write the often-dreaded college essay. Worry not, clever applicant, the admissions essay doesn’t have to trigger clammy hands and cold sweats....
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How Do Online High School Classes Work?

High school students can take courses online now. Yep, really! It’s not really a new thing, but it’s something that more and more families are considering—and for good reason. That said, there are still plenty of parents who are new to the idea of online high school classes. It's no...
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Is Online High School Right for Me?

How To Tell If Online Learning is Right Fit for You   Most would agree that taking online high school courses offers its perks, and the praise is usually the same. Something like, “You can work from anywhere” or “you can have a flexible schedule!” Which is all exciting. But...
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