Why consider online middle schools in Arizona: A parent’s guide

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Middle school is an important crossroad between elementary school and high school where students lay the foundation for academic success and personal growth. The relationships they make, lessons they learn, and influences they have in their life can drastically shape their future even after graduation.

Luckily, when it comes to finding a school that works for your student, you have options like in-person, hybrid, or distance learning. In fact, more than 60% of U.S. students regularly engage in online learning activities, and 35 states offer free online public school options, including Arizona.

The rise of online education

Online schools have been around for more than two decades. In 2019-2020, around 375,000 K-12 students were enrolled full time in a free online school, with 77% of public schools and 73% of private schools moving to an online format. That number jumped to 560,000 during the 2022-2023 school year, and we don’t see it slowing down.

Benefits of online schools

A common benefit that became apparent with online and hybrid learning environments during the pandemic was how it positively impacted students at every grade level. Students and families had more freedom, flexibility, and the ability to make their school schedule work with their lifestyle.

Here are a few more benefits of online learning:

  • Personalized learning
    Oftentimes, a tailored curriculum is created for each full-time student to include core classes like English, social studies, and math, as well as electives. This is especially beneficial for students who require special education with more one-on-one learning.
  • Flexible scheduling
    The format is flexible and coursework is self-paced with supervision from certified online educators and coaches. This flexibility gives students the freedom to participate in extracurricular activities and athletics, while spending time with family and friends.
  • Safety and well-being
    With the tools they need at their fingertips, students can learn from the comfort and safety of home, reducing exposure to bullying, peer pressure, and anxiety.
  • Access to advanced courses
    Many online schools provide access to specialized and advanced courses that may not be offered in traditional schools, further preparing them for high school, graduation, and higher education.

Student and parent working from home

Specific benefits of Arizona online schools

State support and resources

Online public school in Arizona is tuition-free and all residents are eligible for Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) to assist with private school costs.

Variety of options and quality education

There are 60+ options across Mesa, Phoenix, Tucson, and more that are all Approved Arizona Online Instruction programs, such as ASU Prep Digital’s online academy. ASU Prep offers an accredited K–12 online education with licensed educators and Learning Success Coaches to help students succeed every step of the way. Just like in-person programs, online schools must meet the standards and accreditation requirements necessary to ensure a high-quality education.

Common concerns and misconceptions


Online middle schools facilitate interaction through virtual clubs, group projects via video conferencing, in-person field trips, open houses, and more. There are plenty of extracurricular activities to help students stay social while completing an online education – you’re never limited to just virtual interactions.

Technology barriers

Online programs require access to Wi-Fi and a computer, tablet, or laptop to participate and complete their lessons. If internet or computer access is a concern, then there are support and resources for families to help you get everything you need.

Parental/guardian involvement

Just like in-person schools, online learning relies heavily on parent/guardian involvement and support. This may be in the form of creating a relaxing and focused learning environment, helping with homework and assignments, and making sure that your student is efficiently managing their time.


At ASU Prep Digital, students have access to a wealth of support year-round, including:

  • Learning Success Coaches and educators who provide individualized attention and real-time feedback on assignments and projects
  • Regular live classes, interactive sessions, and tutoring opportunities
  • Supplemental resources like videos, tutorials, and practice exercises

Student and parent working virtually

3 tips for choosing the right online school

Choosing the right fit for your family may seem intimidating at first, but these tips will help guide you in the right direction:

  1. Research and reviews: Attend an online or in-person info session, read online reviews from current or former students, and research the school’s reputation, accreditation, and curriculum offerings.
  2. Trial periods and flexibility: Look for schools that offer flexible enrollment options and even a trial period to make sure that it’s a good fit.
  3. Support services: Evaluate the available academic and technical support for students and parents, like designated IT personnel or hotlines and Learning Support Coaches like the ones at ASU Prep Digital.


Online middle schools provide flexibility, autonomy, and a personalized education experience. Arizona offers a wide selection of free, accredited middle schools with ASU Prep Digital being among the most popular online schools. When researching schools, always consider accreditation, reputation, and most importantly, what works best for you and your family.

Enhance your child’s academic journey with ASU Prep Digital

ASU Prep Digital is a great option to consider if you want to explore the flexibility and personalization of an online school program designed for middle school students who want to accelerate or catch up on their studies. Our certified teachers provide online instruction with assessments, quizzes, worksheets, and group projects, and our Learning Success Coaches help students and guide them each step of the way.

ASU Prep Digital is an accredited online school program serving students from around the world in grades K–12, recognized as Arizona’s #1 Online School by Niche.com. Our unique teaching model supports students with the latest learning technologies and several layers of personalized instruction and coaching.

In addition, our program is a college prep option where online high school and university courses converge, preparing students for college acceptance and encouraging them to start earning credit toward college majors and careers.

Take the first step towards transforming your educational experience by attending an information session. Discover how ASU Prep Digital can support students’ academic aspirations and set them on a path to success.

Student holding up ASU hand signal

Why consider online middle schools in Arizona: A parent’s guide FAQs

Is online school free in Arizona?

Online public school in Arizona is tuition-free and all Arizona residents are eligible for Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) to assist with private school or charter school costs.

Can you start online school in the middle of a semester?

At ASU Prep Digital, yes! ASU Prep Digital offers a flexible transition for students who want to make the switch to our online program. Our enrollment process is open throughout the year, allowing students to join at any time.

For more information, check out our blog, How to switch to online school in the middle of the year.

Can middle school students take a single course?

Yes, part-time students can take one or two online courses at institutions like ASU Prep Digital while attending another school.

Will middle school students need to purchase any materials?

Yes, online middle school requires Wi-Fi, a computer, laptop, or tablet, and the usual school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, etc.

What are the accreditation standards for online middle schools in Arizona?

Public online middle schools in Arizona aren’t required to maintain accreditation. This is why it’s very important to do your research and find a school that meets academic standards. ASU Prep Digital is accredited by Cognia (formerly AdvancED), an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.