A guide on how to motivate a high school student at home

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As a parent or guardian, motivating a high school student at home can pose significant challenges, especially in the era of online learning. However, by using effective strategies tailored to your teen’s needs, you can inspire them to excel academically.

In this guide, we’ll explore practical tips to keep your teen motivated and engaged, all while highlighting the benefits of online learning. Let’s dive in to discover how you can give your high schooler a sense of self-confidence that’ll allow them to thrive in their educational journey.


Motivating high school students at home presents some challenges for parents/guardians, ranging from overcoming distractions to maintaining engagement in a virtual learning environment. The transition to online schooling can amplify these obstacles, as students may struggle with self-discipline and staying motivated without the structure of a traditional classroom setting.

So, how do you do online school successfully? As a parent/guardian, you play a crucial role in fostering motivation and instilling successful habits in your high school students, serving as a guide and mentor throughout their educational journey. By providing support, encouragement, and a conducive learning environment, you can help your teen navigate the challenges of online learning and develop the self-discipline needed to succeed academically.

Student and parent working on schoolwork

Understanding your teen’s learning style

Navigating the world of high school education from home can be difficult for both you and your student. Understanding the unique learning styles of your teenagers – from visual and auditory learners to those who thrive through kinesthetic experiences – is important to providing effective support.

Visual learners learn best through seeing visual aids like diagrams and charts. Auditory learners prefer listening and benefit from explanations and discussions. Kinesthetic learners learn through hands-on activities and physical experiences, engaging better with interactive tasks and movement.

Identifying your teen’s learning style involves observing their behavior and study habits to understand how they best absorb information. Take note of whether they prefer quiet reading or hands-on activities, if they doodle while studying, or if they engage better in discussions. Observe their reactions to various learning activities, such as visual aids, auditory explanations, or interactive tasks.

Directly asking them about their preferences and watching how they approach learning tasks can provide valuable insights. Keep in mind that every teen is unique, so it may take some trial and error to pinpoint their exact learning style. Once identified, you’ll be better equipped to support their academic journey effectively.

Regardless of your teen’s learning style, creating an ideal at-home learning environment is crucial for their academic journey. Start by eliminating distractions and offering support. Consistent study routines instill discipline and concentration, vital for success. Encourage autonomy by letting them explore interests, and praise efforts to nurture resilience. These strategies empower teens to thrive academically and create a love for learning.

Benefits of online learning for teens

In today’s fast-paced world, engaging high school students can feel like an obstacle at times. However, with the rise of online learning, a wealth of opportunities has emerged to engage and inspire teens right from the comfort of home.

One of the most significant advantages of online learning is its inherent flexibility, allowing teens to tailor their educational journey to their individual needs. This not only provides students with advanced learning opportunities, but also instills a sense of achievement and readiness for higher education.

Moreover, online learning offers the freedom for students to work at their own pace, whether they need to catch up on missed concepts or accelerate their learning beyond grade level. Take, for instance, ASU Prep Digital, which offers high school students in Arizona the unique opportunity to take tuition-free college courses for credit while still in high school. This flexibility allows teens to access a range of higher education courses that cater to students’ interests.

Online learning allows visual learners to explore interactive diagrams, educational videos, infographics, and digital flashcards, enhancing their understanding through visual aids. Auditory learners have access to podcasts, audiobooks, verbal explanations, and language learning apps, allowing them to engage with content through auditory means. Kinesthetic learners benefit from virtual labs, interactive games, hands-on activities, and augmented reality experiences, promoting active learning and engagement.

Online education also fosters essential skills such as self-discipline, time management, and a sense of belonging. Students must take responsibility for their learning schedules, managing their time effectively to meet deadlines and complete assignments.The autonomy of online learning environments encourages students to develop self-discipline as they navigate coursework independently, honing essential skills that are invaluable beyond the virtual classroom.

Tips for motivating high school students

1. Create an effective study environment

Getting unmotivated high school students to excel academically during the school year is a common hurdle for parents and guardians, but with the right approach, it’s entirely achievable. One key aspect is creating an effective study environment.

Having a dedicated study space is important as it provides a designated area free from distractions, allowing students to focus solely on their studies. To enhance this space, make sure to minimize distractions by keeping electronics away, ensure comfortable seating to prevent discomfort during long study sessions, and prioritize good lighting to reduce eye strain and improve concentration.

Furthermore, setting up a routine plays a pivotal role for high school students to thrive in their virtual learning environment and facilitate genuine interest. You play a crucial role in guiding your teen toward establishing a structured schedule that balances academic responsibilities with other activities.

Together, you and your student can designate specific times for attending virtual classes, completing assignments, and taking breaks to prevent burnout. By actively engaging with your teens, discussing the importance of a structured routine, and offering assistance when needed, you can significantly impact your child’s motivation and academic performance.

Student working on laptop

2. Encourage goal setting for teens

Student motivation plays a pivotal role in driving teens toward success. One effective strategy to instill motivation is through setting SMART goals for high school students. By setting clear objectives, teens gain a sense of direction, purpose, and ability to manage hard work. To make goal setting effective, it’s essential to follow the SMART criteria—ensuring goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. You can play a vital role in this process by guiding your teen in setting SMART goals tailored to their academic and personal aspirations.

Additionally, you can support your teen by helping them track progress and celebrate milestones along the way. One way to do this is by regularly checking in with them to review their progress and offer encouragement. This can involve discussing achievements, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting goals as needed.

Celebrating milestones, no matter how small, is also essential for maintaining motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s a simple acknowledgment of progress or a more elaborate celebration for reaching a significant goal, you can reinforce your teens’ efforts and boost their confidence along the way. With the power of goal setting and your support, high school students can navigate their educational journey with confidence, resilience, and a clear path to success in the real world.

Student working virtually

3. Set a routine and stick to it

Setting a routine is important for online high school students as it provides structure, consistency, and a sense of stability in their daily lives. A consistent routine provides structure amidst the flexibility of online learning, helping students stay organized, focused, and motivated.

With a set schedule, students can allocate dedicated time for attending virtual classes, completing assignments, and studying independently. This routine fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility, essential skills for academic success.

To stick to a routine in online school, students should establish a designated study area free from distractions, set specific goals for each study session, and prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. Utilizing digital tools like calendars, planners, or time management apps can aid in scheduling and tracking progress.

Moreover, taking regular breaks, staying physically active, and maintaining open communication with teachers and parents/guardians can help students stay on track and manage their workload effectively in the online learning environment.

Students and parents working virtually

4. Keep communication open

Keeping communication channels open between you and your teen is vital for ensuring academic success and emotional well-being. Emphasizing the importance of regular communication with your teen creates trust, understanding, and support, especially in the virtual learning environment where interactions may be more limited.

Starting conversations can be as simple as asking about their day, discussing their academic progress, or inquiring about any challenges they may be facing. Actively listening to your teen’s concerns, providing guidance, and offering encouragement creates a supportive atmosphere conducive to their growth and development. You can establish a routine for regular check-ins or family meetings to provide dedicated time for discussing goals, addressing issues, and celebrating achievements together.

Student working virtually

5. Promote self-discipline and responsibility

Self-discipline and responsibility are crucial for students to thrive academically and personally. Self-discipline serves as the cornerstone of student success, enabling them to stay focused, self-motivated, and on track with their studies. Parents/guardians play a huge role in teaching teens essential time management and prioritization skills, which are vital for navigating the demands of online coursework effectively.

One way to do this is to help them create a weekly schedule that includes dedicated study times for each subject, breaks, and other activities. Start by teaching time management skills, such as encouraging them to use digital tools like calendars or apps to organize their tasks and deadlines. Teach them to prioritize assignments based on deadlines and importance, breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Parents/guardians should also guide students in setting achievable goals and deadlines for completing their coursework, ensuring they allocate sufficient time for each task while avoiding procrastination.

Student working virtually

6. Provide incentives and celebrate wins

Providing incentives and celebrating wins is important in keeping students motivated and engaged. Recognizing their achievements, no matter how small, boosts their confidence and reinforces positive behavior.

It’s essential to acknowledge their efforts and progress, as this encourages them to continue striving for success. You can celebrate their wins or good grades by praising their accomplishments, setting up small rewards for reaching milestones like special treats or video games, or even planning special field trips or activities to commemorate significant achievements.

Above all, creating a supportive environment where students feel valued and appreciated fosters a sense of motivation and enthusiasm for learning. By incorporating incentives and celebrations into their online education journey, students are more likely to stay motivated and maintain their commitment to academic excellence.

Student working virtually

7. Encourage breaks and physical activity

Encouraging breaks and physical activity for teens during online school is crucial for their overall well-being and academic success, as well as a key motivational strategy. Breaks allow students to recharge and refocus, preventing mental fatigue and burnout that can occur from extended periods of screen time.

Physical activity not only promotes physical health but also enhances cognitive function and concentration, leading to improved learning outcomes. Having regular breaks and encouraging physical activity are effective strategies on how to make school less stressful. It allows parents/guardians to support their teens in maintaining a healthy balance between academic responsibilities and self-care, giving way to a positive online learning experience.

8. Be patient and lead by example

As you guide your teen through the world of online education, it’s crucial to embody patience and set a positive example. Showcasing good behavior lays a solid foundation for your teen’s learning experience.

Keep in mind the significance of patience, particularly during tough times. Your resilience and perseverance demonstrate to your teen the value of adapting to challenges. It’s also important to realize that online school is a learning process for both parties involved. Staying patient and supportive can be the key to helping your teen overcome any hurdles they may encounter in their online schooling journey.


The partnership between you and your teen during online schooling is invaluable. By staying positively involved in your teen’s academic life, you not only provide crucial support but also establish a sense of teamwork and collaboration. Remember, your active participation makes a significant difference in your teen’s success and overall experience with online education. So, continue to be present, engaged, and supportive as you navigate this educational journey together.

Considering online school for your student?

Starting the journey of online schooling with your high schooler is more within reach than you might realize, whether you’re just beginning or making a mid-year switch. ASU Prep Digital is a fantastic option for families looking to transition or even enhance their teen’s traditional homeschooling or in-person school. Additionally, ASU Prep Digital offers students in Arizona the incredible opportunity to enroll in tuition-free college courses to earn university credit, which can save significant time and money upon entering college.

Our devoted team at ASU Prep Digital is here to assist you every step of the way through the enrollment process, ensuring that every student and their family can access a one-of-a-kind and smooth educational journey.

ASU Prep Digital is an accredited online school program serving students in grades K–12, recognized as Arizona’s #1 Online School by Niche.com. Our unique teaching model supports students from the safety of their homes with the latest learning technologies and several layers of personalized instruction and coaching. In addition, our program is a college prep option where online high school and university courses converge, preparing students for college acceptance and encouraging them to start earning credit toward college majors and careers.

We support districts in Arizona, while serving students and schools around the world. To learn more about ASU Prep Digital, please visit our website.

A guide on how to motivate a high school student at home FAQs

How can I motivate my high school student to stay focused and engaged during online learning?

Motivating a high school student during online learning can be achieved through various strategies. Encouraging regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintaining a structured daily routine can help them stay focused.

Additionally, setting clear goals and celebrating achievements can boost their motivation. Providing a conducive study environment, free from distractions, and offering incentives for completing tasks can also keep them engaged.

Finally, showing interest in their progress and offering support when needed can go a long way in keeping them motivated throughout their online learning journey.

Are there specific incentives or rewards that can help motivate a high school student during virtual classes?

Parents/guardians have various incentives or rewards at their disposal to encourage motivation in high school students during virtual classes. Consider offering rewards such as extended screen time, special outings, or small treats for achieving academic goals or completing assignments on time.

Additionally, you can establish a reward system where students earn points or tokens for their accomplishments, which can be exchanged for privileges or prizes. Ultimately, the key is to find incentives that resonate with your student and provide positive reinforcement for their efforts in online learning.

How can I foster a positive and encouraging learning environment at home to help motivate my high schooler during virtual classes?

To foster a positive and encouraging learning environment at home for your high schooler during virtual classes, consider creating a designated study area that is quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions.

Encourage open communication and offer words of encouragement and support regularly. Establish a daily routine that includes regular breaks and opportunities for physical activity to maintain motivation and focus. Additionally, celebrate your teen’s achievements and progress to reinforce their efforts and boost their confidence.

How do I encourage my high school student to take responsibility for their own learning in an online environment?

Encouraging your high school student to take responsibility for their own learning in an online environment involves empowering them to set goals, manage their time effectively, and advocate for their educational needs.

Support your student’s independence by involving them in decisions about their coursework and learning schedule, while also providing guidance and support when needed. Reinforce the importance of staying organized, staying on top of assignments, and seeking help when necessary. Additionally, foster a growth mindset by emphasizing the value of learning from mistakes and persevering through challenges.