Checkmate! ASU Prep Digital student Aayansh Guntaka shines as global chess champ

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In a stellar display of intellect and strategy, ASU Prep Digital third grader, Aayansh Guntaka, made an incredible mark on the international chess scene. Competing in the 2024 FIDE World School Championship in Lima, Peru, Aayansh emerged victorious in the U-9 Open category, finishing an impressive full point ahead of the field with a score of 8.5 of 9.

Masterful moves: Aayansh’s championship journey

Aayansh’s first-place achievement in Lima is nothing short of extraordinary. His dominant performance throughout the tournament not only earned him the top spot but also the coveted Candidate Master title.

Aayansh started playing chess during the COVID lockdown and has since competed locally, nationally, and most recently, internationally. The flexibility of ASU Prep Digital online coursework allows students like Aayansh to balance their academic pursuits with their passions. The ability to customize his learning schedule enables Aayansh to dedicate ample time to honing his chess skills and attend competitions without compromising his education.

“It was an immensely proud moment for him when our National Anthem was played during the prize distribution ceremony,” says Aayansh’s mom, Korobee Guntaka. Aayansh’s podium finish at the FIDE World School Championship marks a significant milestone in his journey. Before his win in Peru, he secured victory at the North American Championship in December 2023.

“He wants to be a GrandMaster, go to Harvard, and study medicine,” shares Korobee. With his remarkable dedication and talent, Aayansh’s future looks incredibly promising.

Chess: More than just a game

Aayansh’s disciplined approach to chess has equipped him with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to excel beyond the chessboard.

He shares that he “always loves school and homework” and since he “does not like breaks,” he is eagerly awaiting fourth grade.

Carissa Stranz, his third grade ASU Prep Digital teacher, shared her perspective on his outstanding journey: “Aayansh has demonstrated remarkable dedication and ambition, consistently showing a strong work ethic and a passion for learning that is truly inspiring.” 

“Aayansh possesses a unique combination of talent, perseverance, and a thirst for knowledge that sets him apart. His experiences this year have undoubtedly broadened his horizons and enriched his understanding of different cultures and perspectives.”

Paving the path forward

Aayansh Guntaka’s triumph in Lima is a powerful reminder of the impact that personalized education and unwavering commitment can have on young minds. As he continues to make strategic moves both academically and in chess, we look forward to witnessing many more of his checkmate moments.

Learn more about Aayansh’s accomplishments and how ASU Prep Digital helps students of all ages pursue their dreams.