ASU Prep Digital is celebrating National Online Learning Day

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We’re ASU Prep Digital, of course we’re celebrating National Online Learning Day—online!

Dr. Sage E. Sirotkin, Director of Digital Student Engagement, and Shay Wallace, Digital K–8 Program Manager, share how our ASU Prep Digital community is marking this exciting occasion.

Dr. Sirotkin emphasized the modern reality of balancing work from home with managing distractions and achieving work-life integration. This approach is vital for students too, as learning should be seamlessly woven into their lives rather than treated as a separate task. This philosophy is just one of the many reasons to appreciate online learning.

But there are even more! Our students, teachers, and Learning Success Coaches have enthusiastically responded to the prompt, “I love online learning because…” From participating in Lego Club to conducting science experiments, students are sharing their experiences through posts and photos, with some highlights featured on our ASU Prep Digital social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

Wallace noted the standout theme in these responses is the focus on student-centered learning. At ASU Prep Digital, we see each student as an individual, customizing their educational journey to suit their unique needs.

Here are the top three reasons our community loves online learning:

  • Flexibility, enabling more time with family, friends, pets and personal passions like hobbies, volunteering, jobs, and travel.
  • Socialization and the ability to make friends with peers globally.
  • School as a safe and fun space with supportive teachers.

To further celebrate, we’re inviting “Where Do You Prep” photo submissions from our digital community, who are sharing snapshots of their online teaching environments on Instagram. We can’t wait to see the creative setups. Follow along with our celebration using the hashtags #NationalOnlineLearningDay and #ASUPrepDigital.

Looking ahead to next year’s National Online Learning Day, ASU Prep Digital envisions an even bigger celebration filled with innovative grade competitions, celebrity live lessons, and perhaps ambitious record-setting events like achieving the most online assignments submitted in a day or hosting the largest online book read and pizza party.

Interested in joining this vibrant online learning community? To learn more, schedule a call with an advisor today!