7 Habits of highly successful students in online schooling

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Online schooling has become an essential part of modern education. For online students, mastering the art of digital learning is critical to their academic success.

Let’s explore the seven habits of highly successful online students. By understanding these habits and incorporating them into a daily routine, online students can enhance their online learning experience and achieve their educational goals faster. This approach creates a win-win scenario for students, whether in elementary school, middle school, or high school, enabling them to excel academically while developing valuable life skills.

These seven habits showcase essential study tips and tricks that students are currently using to get ahead and stay ahead in online school. Incorporating these small changes will help students make the most of their online education.

Understanding successful habits

Successful habits are the behaviors and practices that pave the way to achieving goals. When it comes to online schooling, these habits help students stay organized, motivated, and fully engaged. By embracing these habits, online students not only maximize their school experience but also set themselves up for long-term success. Think of it as building a strong foundation for a bright academic journey.

Benefits of online learning for students

Flexibility in learning

  • One of the most significant advantages of online learning is its flexibility. Students can tailor their schedules to fit their unique needs and preferences, allowing them to balance academics with extracurricular activities, hobbies, and personal commitments.

Ability to set the pace

  • Online schooling allows students to work at their own pace, ensuring they fully understand the material before moving along. This flexibility enables students to catch up on challenging subjects or accelerate their learning in areas where they excel.

Self-discipline and time management

  • Online education fosters self-discipline and time-management skills. Students must take responsibility for their learning, develop effective study habits, and manage their time wisely to succeed in an online environment.

Student learning online

Essential habits of highly effective students

Capable online students all have one thing in common—they prioritize implementing habits that put them on the best path to success.

They set SMART goals

By setting clear objectives, students can stay focused and motivated throughout their online schooling experience. SMART goals are goals that are:

  1. specific
  2. measurable
  3. achievable
  4. relevant
  5. time-bound

Online students can create a clear roadmap for their academic journey by using this structured approach. SMART goals help break down larger objectives into manageable tasks, making online learning more effective and rewarding. Here are examples:

  • Example: To improve math skills, set a SMART goal such as “Complete two additional math practice problems daily for the next month.”
  • Example: Or instead of a vague goal like “do well in math,” aim for “complete all math assignments on time and score at least 85% on all tests.”

This clarity helps students track their progress and celebrate their achievements, keeping them engaged and on the right path.

For an in-depth look at SMART goals, check out our blog post: SMART goals for high school students.

They create a study space

Creating a study space is helpful for boosting productivity and maintaining focus. Students should choose a quiet, comfortable area in their home—whether it be a corner of their bedroom or a designated homeschooling space—free from distractions. It’s important to ensure the space is well-organized with easy access to study materials like books and notes. Investing in a good chair and desk setup supports proper posture and comfort during long study sessions.

Personalizing the space with inspiring decor or personal items make it more fun for online learners. Good lighting, whether natural or from a quality desk lamp, is essential to reduce eye strain. Lastly, having technology ready with a reliable computer and strong internet connection minimizes interruptions and keeps the learning momentum going. Example: Setting up a desk in a quiet room with all necessary supplies, such as a computer, notebooks, and pens, can create a space that fits a student’s personality and becomes a preferred study spot. By creating an environment tailored to these needs, students can enhance their learning experience and achieve academic goals more effectively.

Consistency is key to success in online schooling. Establish a daily routine that includes designated study times, breaks, and leisure activities. A structured schedule helps students stay on track and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Example: Create a weekly schedule that outlines study sessions, assignments, and extracurricular activities.

This balanced approach not only enhances productivity but also promotes overall satisfaction with students’ online learning experiences.

Help your student master time management by checking out our blog: The importance of time management for teens online.

Student learning online

They stay organized

Organization is crucial for managing coursework, deadlines, and assignments. To stay on top of outside responsibilities, students should consider using the following tools:

Digital Calendars

Platforms like Google Calendar or Outlook can be used to schedule classes, assignments, and study sessions. Encourage students to set reminders to stay on track with deadlines and upcoming tasks.


Digital planners such as Notion or Trello help students organize daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Customize them to prioritize assignments and track progress efficiently.

To-Do Lists

Tools like Todoist or Microsoft To-Do allow students to create detailed to-do lists for each day or week. Break down tasks into manageable steps and check them off when completed, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

These tools streamline students’ organizational efforts, making it easier to manage their workload effectively and meet their academic goals.

They actively participate in online classes

Engaging with course content and peers helps create a dynamic learning environment. This helps students hone their critical thinking as well as exchange ideas and perspectives with their fellow students, ultimately enhancing the overall learning experience and academic performance. Example: Join online study groups or discussion forums to connect with classmates and share ideas.

They seek help when needed

Students should not hesitate to ask for help if they are struggling with a particular subject or concept. They can reach out to their teachers, classmates, or online resources for support. Seeking assistance when necessary ensures they stay on track, fully comprehend the material, and ultimately achieve student success. Here are examples:

  • Example: Schedule regular check-ins with teachers or join online tutoring sessions for additional support.
  • Example: By seeking help right away, students can avoid last minute stress or feedback that could hinder their quality of work.

They prioritize well-being

Maintaining physical and mental well-being is essential for academic success. Students should ensure they get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques can help them stay focused and motivated throughout their studies. Example: Incorporate activities like yoga, meditation, or journaling into your daily routine to help manage stress and maintain a positive mindset.

During school time, avoid using social media to maintain focus and productivity. Distractions from social platforms can disrupt study sessions and affect the ability to retain information effectively. By nurturing both their mind and bodies, they’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of online schooling while achieving optimal academic performance.

They study smarter

To excel in online schooling, it’s essential to leverage tools and resources that can enhance study habits and streamline learning processes, because everyone learns differently. Here are some recommended tools and resources to help students study smarter:

  • Evernote: A versatile app that allows students to take and organize notes, attach files, and sync across devices.
  • Quizlet: A platform that offers flashcards, quizzes, and games to help students learn and retain information more effectively.
  • Khan Academy: A free resource with video tutorials, practice exercises, and personalized learning dashboards covering a wide range of subjects.
  • Forest: A productivity app that helps students stay focused by growing a virtual tree as you avoid distractions and stay on task.

Student working online

How to incorporate habits of highly successful students

By understanding the seven habits of highly successful students, students should look to integrate them gradually. Start by identifying one habit to focus on each week or month, such as setting SMART goals or creating a dedicated study space. Consistency and patience are key–over time, these habits will become second nature.

Start small to develop successful habits, they’re the key to thriving in a digital environment. By setting smart goals, creating a dedicated study space, establishing a routine, staying organized, actively participating in classes, seeking help when needed, and prioritizing well-being, students can enhance their online learning experience and achieve their academic goals faster.

Considering online school for your student?

Starting online school is easier than you might think, whether it’s at the beginning or in the middle of the school year. ASU Prep Digital is a great option to consider if you want to move away from homeschooling or public/private school and explore the flexibility and personalization of an online school program.

At ASU Prep Digital, we have a team dedicated to helping you navigate the enrollment process. We believe that every child and their family should be able to have an education that is unique and easily accessible.

ASU Prep Digital is an accredited online school program serving students in grades K–12, recognized as Arizona’s #1 Online School by Niche.com. Our unique teaching model supports students from the safety of their homes with the latest learning technologies and several layers of personalized instruction and coaching. In addition, our program is a college prep option where online high school and university courses converge, preparing students for college acceptance and encouraging them to start earning credit toward college majors and careers.

Considering online school for your student? Schedule a call with one of our enrollment advisors today and discover how ASU Prep Digital can help your child succeed in online schooling.

We support districts in Arizona, while serving students and schools around the world. To learn more about ASU Prep Digital, please visit our website.

Student learning online

7 Habits of successful students in online schooling FAQs

What are the 7 Habits of Successful Students in Online Schooling?

The seven habits are:

  1. They set SMART goals
  2. They create a study space
  3. They stay organized
  4. They actively participate in online classes
  5. They seek help when needed
  6. They prioritize well-being
  7. They study smarter

How can online high school students stay motivated and engaged?

Setting short-term and long-term goals helps maintain focus. Actively participating in live sessions and discussions creates a sense of community. Using varied study techniques and rewarding oneself for milestones also boosts motivation.

What are effective strategies for balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities in online schooling?

Effective time management and prioritization are crucial. Using planners to schedule both academics and extracurriculars ensures balance. Communicating with teachers and coaches about commitments and regularly adjusting the schedule helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.